4 months later -chapter 1

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June 12th. Monday.
TW: eating disorder implied, also mentions of AdHD

Tommy's POV:

"Morin' Phil" I said as I sat at the table.

"Goodmorning mate! Howd you sleep" he asked as he set a plate infront of me.

"Okay I guess" I shrugged looking at the plate infront of me. There was a small portion of scrambled eggs and a half a peice of toast on it.

"Good morning!" Tubbo said as he ran down the stairs. He went into the kitchen then came out and sat next to me. His plate had had the same as mine just a larger serving of eggs.

I looked away quickly, looking at that much food makes me feel weird. I don't know what it is about it but I just cant do it.

"Good morning tubbo" phil said smiling as he took a bite of his own food which looked similar to tubbos.

"Phil I had the weirdest dream last night" tubbo spoke with his mouth full causing me to laugh.

"Tubbo chew your food mate" Phil said also laughing.

Tubbo paused, swallowing before continuing,
"Anyway! As I was saying, I had a weird dream, you were part bird, I was part bee and Tommy was part chicken, Wilbur was a ghost and techno was humman, it was fuckin weird" tubbo said before continuing to eat.

"Don't swear at the table" Phil said taking a bite of his food.

"Oh please you swear all the time!" Tubbo said annoyed.

"Yea theres nothing wrong with it for example.
Fuck, Bitch, Shit, Pussy, Ass, Cock" I said smiling. Tubbo burst into laughter, and Phil just sighed.

"What am I gonna do with you boys" he said looking at us.

"You could always use my suggestion and drop them off in the middle of the woods and leave em" technos voice was heard, followed by footsteps.

"Good morning to you to asshole" I said sarcastically.

"Tommy be nice"

"Phil he literally just told you to abandon us in the woods" tubbo stated taking a bite of toast.

"In my defense, It would be funny" techno said smirking as he sat down, he had a bright red Appel in his hand.

"Techno why don't you go get a plate?" Phil asked.

"Ill eat more lunch, but I'm not hungry much this morning" he shrugged biting the apple.

"Alright then" Phil nodded. He all continued to eat, or they continued to eat I had maybe 4 bites then decided I was done.

"Tom's? Bud can you take a few more bites... please" Phil asked looking at me, he seemed calm but I could tell he was worried.  I had skipped dinner last night so I can understand... kinda.

I nodded hesitantly. I took another bite of the toast, finishing it slowly,
Phil smiled. Which made me happy, his approval means alot to me. I've been having a difficult time eating lately and when I do eat I cant... I just cant.

"And Tommy blew up his house" tubbo just randomly said "like- in my dream"

It was silent for a moment

"Heh?" Techno looked confused at tubbo after that we all lost it and burst into laughter.

It took a moment but eventually we all stopped laughing.

"Have you guys seen the show anarchy?" Techno asked with a smile, out of nowhere.

"No? Whats it about" Phil asked glancing at techno, technos eyes seemed to light up at the consent to talk about it.

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