Chapter 6: Journey To The Unknown

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  Indeed, we dressed ourselves but the problem is, Dru and I haven't dressed yet.

"Hey guys, what's the problem?" Gru asked.

"I think they got themselves in trouble in terms of dressing themselves because..." Lucy said as she whispered the next words on him.

"Oh, so you guys didn't want to go dressed yet?" he said to us.

"Yes, and definitely not trying to do that again." Dru said, embarrassed.

"Well, I know the solution to your problem..." Lucy said.

She brought some new clothes for us two and Dru doesn't like the shirt she bought for him because according to him, he doesn't looked decent enough and he looked like a young girl on wearing it. While me on the other hand, likes the new gray hoodie with red under sleeves and best paired on Dru's white pants and shoes.

"Wow, this is great, Lucy! I like this new outfit, so cool and more masculine." I said to her.

"Yep, you're happy about that but me, I looked awful." Dru said.

"Aww, come on. You looked so adorable on purple and pink." I said to him.

"Jelou, you know I can't even wear this type of clothes..." 

And because of that, I remembered that I brought some clothes that I was  wearing when I was in my mansion before, and I still brought it till now so I said to him,

"Maybe you can try one of my old clothes when I was in my mansion, I bet that can suit you up. Wait here." 

I rushed down into my closet and found my old decent white suit with my grey undershirt then I brought it to him to make him dress it. The result, it still fits on him, and it paired perfectly on my denim jeans and white sneakers. 

"You looked great, Dru." Gru said to his twin.

"Oh, it looked great on me." Dru said.

"Yep, that suits you." I said.

Then we fixed each other's scarves to prepared ourselves in our journey.

  Along with the couple, the Minions; Kevin, Stuart, and Mel are also joining in, while the girls left in the mansion with Fritz and the rest of the Minions to make them safe. Since I lead on the way, Kevin and Mel are also got themselves guarding me up in case I'm stuck into trouble. While in the middle of the walk, I talked to Kevin,

"Kevin, may I ask you something?" I said to him.

"Okay, que?" he said.

"Have you experienced falling in love with girls?"

"Uh, no. Nada." 

"Not yet?"

"Si. Meskipun, ya yeshche ne erotefto ta koritsia."

Stuart joined into our conversation and said, 

"Oye, estás mintiendo! Se eida sigoura anda melihat Scarlet Overkill!"

"C'était le passé. Pero ya no hablo de ella." Kevin said.

"Ah, okay. If what if, you found a beautiful girl that makes you fall in love, what will you do?" I asked them.

The two Minions kept silent and thought something on the question,  until I heard something rustling on the bushes covered with snow.

"What was that?" I said, scared.

"I have no idea." Lucy said.

The rustling continues and they all got their weapons ready, while me who has a gun in my trembling hand, feeling something strange and it haunts me, but still I tried to stay firm.

"Alright, who is there?"

"Jelou, stay behind me." Dru said as he covers me behind.

We go forward on the rustling bush then we aimed our weapons. In my surprise, I faced my half sister again with a group of men.

"We finally meet again, sister." She greeted.

"Yasmin, I knew you're always doing that." I said to her quickly. 

"No, not you, mister. I'm talking to the one in front of me." Yasmin said as she talks about Dru confused as me. Of course I got so surprised since she never knew that we both switched our bodies that time.

"M-Me? Why, you must be confused, young lady." Dru said.

"Then why are you wearing my half sister's suit?" she asked.

"Oh jeez, now what am I going to do?" I said in my thoughts.

When Yasmin knew that the girl in front of her is just a 'look-alike' of me, she said as she puts down the gun in her hand,

"Well, I must be mistaken, more pardons." 

"Why are you apologizing us?" I said.

"One of you is somewhat familiar to my half sister, but she's quite different because she has a black hair and has dark brown eyes, unlike the one who has a blonde hair and has blue eyes."

"The thing is..." Dru said while I'm covering his mouth to not continue his words since it has to kept it secret and I got and idea on pretending ourselves as strangers.

"Yep, the thing is, we're just visiting here for a while and for some reasons, we need a place to stay." I said to Yasmin as Dru releasing my hand from his mouth. 

"Well then. I'll show you the way." she said as me and the others followed her to the Montero's mansion where I formerly lived.

Falling in Love With a Villain 2: Love and the ProphecyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang