part 4

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monday rolled around faster than i thought it would but that's fine i was sitting in class with the teacher bc i got there early as i was writing in my diary kay came in and sat next to me i shut my diary and put it back
kay: hi love
ansley: hey
kay: when are you gonna let me read what's in the diary
ansley: when pigs fly
kay: i'm your boyfriend and i can't even read it
ansley: it doesn't matter if your my boyfriend or not it's all about privacy if you had one i wouldn't read it unless you wanted me to
kay: whatever ansley
ansley: i don't understand what your problem is
he ignored me and moved to the back of the class i got my things and walked out of class and went into the my car because it was only study hall and i have 5 % tint so u can't really see anything and tears rolled down my face and i felt like banging my head on the dash board as tears rolled down my face i felt like my blood was rushing to my head then i seen kay coming towards my car so i quickly wiped my face and got on my phone and he opened my door
kay: i'm sorry i should've respected your privacy
ansley: it's fine
kay: you okay?
ansley: yes baby i'm fine
he kissed my forehead then i went back to study hall so did he and we continued on with school after school he went to practice and i went to chick-fil-a got food then went home and relaxed

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