"Can we talk about this after I come inside you?"

      "That's how we got here in the first place. Be serious," she gives me that mom look she's constantly learning to perfect, and it sets me straight for a few seconds. So far, after we were back on track, we discussed that she wouldn't work until the twins are at least of walking age, and biting age for stranger danger, she says. Though, we're going to hope they don't have to worry about stranger danger at one or two years old.

     Since they are little guys coming into the world, they should eat proper food for a while, so we agreed to cook for them whenever they start eating regular food, but we both have no clue when that is. However, Google did tell us that 6 months is the time, so we're going to push it to seven because not all of the Google is right in the world. Can't have them both shitting bricks.

     And when they get old enough to eat plates, I'll cook on weekends and some weekdays and Raine will cook on other weekdays. If we're being honest here, I can't remember the last time I've actually cooked food. I guess I'll have to pay attention next time Ryker is cooking for us, or whenever I go to my mom's house.

     Oh and we also agreed to fuck like rabbits whenever the kids are asleep. So, I think we're shaping up to be pretty damn good parents.



     I pick up a shade of green (avocado whip) from the millions of shades in the paint section of the home store. Carson shakes his head at it, pulling out a lighter shade (sea salt), and murmurs about how it's more neutral and would give a lot more range for interior design. We're going to completely ignore the way my panties dampened at his soft, direct tone giving me knowledge about this stuff.

     Our sketches are nearly done. Okay, his sketches are nearly finished. I was already out by the time Carson came over to visit, so he asked if I wanted to go house shopping to think of our designing plans. Now here we are, picking out different shades of paint for each room. The boys are going to get a nice sea salt green tint to their wall, which would look awesome when the sun hits it through the windows. I clap my hands excitedly, waddling behind the tall, muscular man I call my boyfriend.

     He is wearing a red polo shirt that clings to him in the best way, dark washed jeans with black boots peeking from underneath them. They say that a man looks sexier in red. And boy, was Carson proof of that. I whistle behind him, causing him to do a little half twist of his body to look back at me, a teasing smirk on his lips. "Later, Carter," he whispers, then disappears behind the next aisle. I follow after him, to another row full of colored cards of paper.

"Maybe every room should be a shade of green." I peer around his body to see what colors he was looking at. "You want to make a red room?" I ask, raising an eyebrow as his thick fingers sift through the red section. I nudge his body when he smiles. "Don't get me excited."

"I told you before, I don't have that patience."

"A girl can dream," I sigh. The sound of a shopping cart's wheels gave me a jump scare. With a brief turn of my neck, I get a glimpse of a couple with a baby's car seat sitting on top of the cart. Carson wraps an arm around my waist, and pulls me closer to him after feeling me cuddle up to him. We both turn as the sound of the squeaking wheels fade, and see a cute little baby asleep in their seat.

Storm, Meet Raine Where stories live. Discover now