Chapter 7

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To be honest, that name scares me. Not because she's frightening or horrifying, but because of her knowledge. We can all agree that knowledge is sexy—intimidating, that is!

For example, every time she raises her hand to answer a question that the entire class is unable to answer, and the way she stands out among everyone else is truly remarkable. Despite her intimidating demeanor, she is also pleasant. She is someone you can turn to for assistance if you are having difficulty with a lesson.

She reminds me of my mother.

I mean, like a mother. She's a prodigy.

But that is just my assumption.

It was all ruined when I saw her crying after class. Definitely a one-of-a-kind sight. She always keeps a calm demeanor and I have never seen her like this. 

I’m a nice person, so I keep it myself. Even if I would love to give her tissue to wipe her tears... or even something to snort, I don’t want to bother her. She must’ve felt pressured to keep this reputation or something like that. I feel bad. 

I want to know her more!

These past few days, I have always stumbled upon her presence. At lunch time, after class, and even outside the school. One time, I saw her feeding cats at the back of our school building. She must be fond of cats! As a result, I took it as a sign!

I’m going to ask her to help me!


In the end, I ended up dating this girl.

Do I sound like I'm whining? No, I'm actually grateful. I've also confirmed the mask she wears.

She is the family's eldest daughter. Her mother, a doctor, and her younger sister live with her. Her father died when she was ten years old, which devastated her mother. Her mother, she told me, kept herself busy at work to distract herself from her father's death. She is unable to cry because her mother does so every night. She needed to be strong for them- to keep their worlds revolving.

Her mother was emotionally absent, so she had to look after her younger sister. Her mother has high academic expectations for her, which puts her under pressure.

Just imagine the burden she carries. It must’ve been hard!

She learned the hard way to be strong. I'm proud of her—to say I'm proud is an understatement.

Because of this, I found a way to help her out. Whenever we go on a date or just study together, I always tell her to act freely and express herself more. If she feels like crying, then I’ll lend her a shoulder to cry on. If she feels angry, then we can punch people together! (She disagrees with that idea, by the way.)

"I’m kinda hungry."

"Oh my God." She said, immediately opening a snack from her bag. "You can’t be hungry, you burn cars whenever you are." 

A handful of potato chips were shoved into my mouth. Great! 

See how well she knows me?

Our gazes met. I could see the sun luminate its light on his eyelashes. How beautiful.

I never thought falling in love would turn me into a poet.

After a while, here I provide a short update. I'm sorry for the delay in posting new chapters; I'm experiencing writer's block. I tried to put everything into words, but I just couldn't. I don't want to push myself because it might come across as rushed or something. Thank you for your patience! As a result, the following chapters will be written from Baji's point of view. I hope you enjoy it. :D

First Love, Late Spring. | Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now