🌹part 1🌹

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My name's Stefan Levin, 12 years old. I live in a small house in Stockholm with my parents.

I usually ride my bike near a park wich is not far from our house. Today I'm riding it as well.

It's a sunny afternoon and it feels better to be outside instead of sitting all day at home. I feel pity for those who aren't coming out to enjoy this weather!

I ride my bike through a road which is hidden by trees around it. I can hear the birds as I ride.

Suddenly I see something yellow moving near the trees! Wait, is it a gohst!? I ride faster as I look at that thing.

I lose my focus on riding and fall down on the ground. Shit, my legs and palms hurt!

- Hey are you alright!? - A girl with long blonde hair appears. What on earth!?

- You scared me to death girl! I thought you're a gohst! - I shout and she looks a little sad.

- I'm sorry, but I usually come here to relax or read a book. I'm sorry that happened, are you alright?

She looks at my leg. It's bleeding!

- Don't worry, hold my hand. There's a huge rock over there. Come and sit there. I brought a bottle of water with myself. I'll wash your wound with it.

She holds my hand to help me get up and gently leads me to a huge rock next to the road.

- I don't usually bring a bottle with me but today I felt it will be needed. Now show me your wound.

I show her my wound and she pours  water on it and then drys it with a tissue. It's not bleeding a lot but she wraps a white ribbon around it.

- But your ribbon! You're going to need it!

- It's not important. It's my hat's ribbon but I have more at home. Now you're wound is more important. Anyway it's because of me that this happened...

- Thanks. Don't think about it anymore. What's your name?

- I'm Katarina Karen. Who are you?

- Stefan Levin. Where do you live Katarina?

- It's not far from here!

She points to a house. It can be seen from a narrow crack between the trees.

- Wait, it's just near my house! I wonder how I never saw you before!

- Maybe you're too careless that you don't look around you!

- Oh seriously! Like today?

- Just kidding. Actually we've just moved here. My father is from Denmark but my mother is a Swede. We lived in Denmark until two months ago but we decided to come to Sweden because of my mother.

- You speak Swedish very well although you lived in Denmark.

- Of course! My mother always speaks Swedish with me while my father speaks Danish!

- Really!? With what language do they speak to eachother?

- They speak both languages whenever they feel like it!

- That's cool!

We talk about ourselves until we notice it's becoming dark.

- Hey Katarina! I'm not going to ride my bike now. Let's walk together since it's becoming too dark.

I took my bike as we start walking close to each other. She's holding my arm!

- It's so dark here Stefan!

- Don't worry,  it doesn't take long until we get out of this wood.

As we finish the road, we can see our houses better.

- That's my house Katarina - I point to a house

- We're kinda neighbors, right Stefan?

- Yes good for us!

We get to her house and I say goodbye to her.

It's good to find a nice and caring girl like her. I never talk to girls although they like me because probably I look too cute for them in school. But maybe only they were annoying not my beautiful friend Katarina!

Yes, we've just met but I'm going to be her bestfriend soon!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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