chapter 1

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                     Mark shighed, blankly staring at the paper that laid on his desk. He slowly lifted his head up getting a quick glance around the room, the walls were the same pale yellow color, it has some paintings, inspiering notes and all sorts of teacher things hanging up n the wall. There were many empty desks gathering dust as they sat there waiting for some one to use it. he looked to the front of the classroom were His teacher was sitting at unorginized desk that had ungraded papers and empty coffee cups, it kinda looked like there was a full on murder scene, just with school work. Mark sighed, looking back down at his paper, he lightly tipping his chair backwards, trying to focus.

After half an hour or so he was finally finished the paper that was now filled with math problems.. Mark set the pencil down and laid back in the metal chair, sighing with relief after hearing the bell ring. He quickly grabbed his belongings and the piece of paper he walked to the front of the class and placed the paper on the desk with out another word.He grabbed the silver knob,twisting it to open the wooden door. 

           After walking through the schools 'endless' hallways, down the 'endless' stairs he finally was face to face with the school's front doors. He pushed the metal piece attached to the glass(forgot what there called sorry) doors , opening one of them. He walked over to the metal bike rack, looking fro his bike. He hummed to himself once he found it, he started to fiddle with the lock. he smiled to him self once he heard a click. Mark took the lock off then placed it in his pocket. He hopped on his bike and pushing it out of being in between the two metal poles, then placed his foot on the peddle, about to push off to his house but a familiar voice stopped him. Mark slightly turned his head so he could see a lightly tanned boy, who had blue gray eyes. His sandy colored hair went perfically with his light brown freckles that sprinkled across his face. He was wearing a navy blue jacket with a white t and a pair of gray ripped jeans and jordan 1's. This boy happened to be a close friend,and his name was Sammy. Mark knew Sammy since first grade. but Mark moved to a whole new school in Mexico where most of his family lived in the middle of fith grade. he remembered when they used to throw paper balls at the teacher when they wernt looking, or when Mark got into fights and Sammy always backed him up, it was all fun to him.  luckily they had moved back to florida and Sammy still lived there.

 Mark snaped out of his thoughts when Sammy lightly punched Mark's arm in a friendly greeting way.

 " Hey man" he grinned. 

to be continued....?

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