awkward talk😓

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So I have been a bit busy that's why I was not writing sorry for this but I will post the next chapter after it soon....

So let's head to this chapter

Continuing form last time

*tanjiro's POV*
"Hey tanjiro kun😊" said kanao with a warm smile . I can't say a word. She is so GORGEOUS. I don't know what to say. "H-hey". I said awkwardly. "You look really pretty" Accidentally a few words escaped my mouth. I feel my cheeks burn and kanao was also blushing. "Th-Thank you". She says calmly. I asked  " what are you doing here?". She say " I don't have any work to do so I came here ".  " oh me too". I said . then she sits on the ground and her crow comes there. He sits on her hand . and unexpectedly my crow also come there. We both talk about some normal things and our crows were doing something like they were cuddling . "awww". Said kanao. I asked" what are they doing? " "they are cuddling like a couple". " oh yea-" I was about to complete my words but igoru san's snake who was given to kanao after his death come to my shoulder and wrap me and kanao together. My face was burning and kanao's face was the same as me.

 My face was burning and kanao's face was the same as me

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*kanao's POV*
"Umm...." I said really awkwardly being a full mess of blush. "Kabamura kun!" I remove kabamura from tanjiro's shoulder I feel really awkward. Tanjiro was not saying anything. " I...I have to go sayonara." I said and run inside the butterfly estate. "KANAO! WAIT!" I hear tanjiro calling for me but I Can't go I am completely messed up right now . I run inside my room and through myself in the bed.

Find out what happened next time bye love from author chan🤓

I was listening to this song while writing this and I have very dirty ideas 😂😂😂😂😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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