^30 minutes later^

I'm a criminal mastermind. My plan worked, take a long time getting ready and Cade will clean up for you. I felt slightly guilty. Then brushed it aside, it was his fault in the first place.

He should be feeling guilty! "Ready to go?" He nodded in agreement and we grabbed our coats.

While I was driving Cade gave me the directions to his house and 20 minutes later we pulled up. One thing I could say was the Cade's family was stinking rich

. I can't even begin to explain how huge it is, at least three stories high with a huge property behind. Why the hell was he in category three when he could easily be in category one?

"You can come in if you want? But my family can be a bit insane..." hmm I think maybe it's a bit too early to be meeting the parents.

"It's fine. I made you wait, I'll just stay here", flashing him a small reassuring smile I watched as he opened the door and disappeared inside.

A few minutes later Cade came outside and off we went to Starbucks. Breakfast flew by fast and somehow for about half an hour he made me forget about the last 72 hours.

He was one of those people that if you said something stupid he wouldn't laugh at you or make you feel like you had to be embarrassed in the first place.

I could feel myself being drawn in. This was so very bad. I need to stay away from him, but sitting here across the table and just having a great time was making that thought harder and harder to do.

I normally get bored of boys so easily but Cade had this aura that stood out. Probably helped that he was amazingly good looking.

When we arrived at school, everything went quiet. It was like the first day when people just froze. And then I remembered.

Being the complete idiot I am, for the past two days I had been given lifts by the most sought after, hottest guys in the school. If people didn't think I was a whore before; they did now.

"Not a fan of dramatic entrances then?" I just glared at him and made the way over to our friends. Seriously if these girls had the power to kill I would've been killed a few hundred times by now.

It's not my fault that Cade had to give me a lift to school, even if it was my car; they need to get over themselves.

The day flew by and there was no trace of Trey or his boys anywhere, he wasn't in Chemistry and I heard Larissa loudly talking saying they had come down with a bug.

For some reason I felt a pang in my chest, either from hearing that Trey was sick or because I wouldn't get to see him today. What was this boy doing to me?


Trey hadn't been in all week even when his friends came back. I was starting to get worried.

It was now Friday afternoon, the last period of the day and I was watching the clock slowly ticking away. Until something hit me in the side of the face.

'Sorry to leave it so late but my boyfriend is having a party today after school. You should come :) please?'

Huh I didn't know Tara had a boyfriend, well technically I was working all day tomorrow for the competition so maybe this would be a good time to wind down.

'Sure give me the address and time and I'll meet you there.'

As soon as she started scrawling a reply back the bell rang. She walked over to me with a very scary serious face on.

"No way you’re coming to my house and I'll help you get ready". Sweet baby Jesus. Please help me!


These past few hours have been pure agony, who needs three hours to get ready? I'll tell you, Cassidy and freaking Tara do.

I'm their lab rat and they've been experimenting what make-up look goes for me, after many fights and a few broken bottles of cosmetics this is what they decided:

1. Smoky eyes 

2. Bright red lipstick 

3. Tousled hair or what they like to call tamed 'sex hair'. 

4. Rosy cheeks

I looked like a Barbie doll. Plus the outfit they put me in made me look like a right slut. The dress was black and killer tight, clinging to everything! And the heels were making me look like a sky-scraper.

"Come on guys! I look like a stupid whore, I'm well over six foot now; I'll tower over every guy”. They both gave me stern looks.

 "No, you don't look like a stupid whore you look amazing, your legs are fricken long as and you'll have all the boys drooling after you tonight. You make one move to change and I'll make the dress shorter and tighter and the high heels taller".

Clearly, I lost the argument. The house was already thumping with the bass music and teenagers were strewn around everyone pretty much drunk.

We were greeted by Tom, Tara's boyfriend and they were the cutest couple but left Cassidy and I to defend ourselves while Tom wanted to show her something. Psh, yeah right. Plus Travis was working so Cassidy was looking a little lost.

In the first hour we got hit on so many times it was unreal. Not to mention unbelievably annoying, after another group of guys walked away Cassidy turned to me.

"You want to get smashed so we don't have to deal with this anymore?", "Really Cassidy?" She just shrugged, another group of guys were making their way over to us "Okay fine let's get smashed."

^2 hours later^

"IT'S SO COLD UP HERE!!!" Cassidy just started uncontrollably giggling and I joined in. "The worlds spinning Scar."

"Do you think I should get a puppy?" Cassidy looked at me and her eyes lit up and she started squealing "Hell yes! And you name it Moo."

"Moo?" she nodded her head "Yup the sound a cow makes", and then we were in hysterics again.

"Scar, Cassidy get down from the roof NOW!" We crawled to the edge to see our group and a few meters back Trey's group.

How come we hadn't seen them all night? Obviously it was Cade because he was oh so worried about us. God what a phony.

"But we don't want to!" Cassidy rolled onto her back and started singing nursery rhymes and I copied her but started singing SpongeBob.

I don't know how much time had passed but I was starting to get really sleepy, maybe I could just go to sleep? Yeah, that sounds like a good plan.


"Hell no, you carry her. She's from your pack!"

"I don't trust you with her!"

"Scared of some major competition?"

Silence. Then some scuffling.

"Fine take her but if you hurt her I will rip you apart”.

Then if felt if the ground was being lifted up from under me, but I was too far gone to care.

A little while later I was placed against something soft and I had the strength to open my eyes. "Trey?" He just stared at me.

"Hmm I thought you had died or something you just disappeared”.  "I wouldn't leave you”.  His tone was off but I couldn't pin point it.

I mumbled a sleepy okay and noticed he was heading towards the door. "Can you stay?" He froze. When he looked back at me he looked pained

 "Not tonight, it's a full moon." I just nodded not understanding. "Sweet dreams" I heard the door shut and a car pull out.

Trey looked so pretty tonight and he smelled really good too. And his eyes were a nice silver colour, it suited him.

I was just about to fall asleep when something dawned on me. Trey had brown eyes not silver. Oh well, I'm too tired to care.


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