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At the dinner table that night at Richelle's house, everyone was eating in an awkward silence. Richelle's mum Olivia decided to break the silence.

"Sooooo, how were the auditions?"

"They were great!" Kimberly said excitedly, she had gotten in to A troupe.

"They were a walk in the park." Richelle said confidently. She had also gotten in to A troupe.

The truth was, Richelle didn't exactly want her sister on her team, to put it lightly. She was literally one year younger than her, but Richelle and the rest of the studio all saw that Richelle was much better a year ago than Kimberly was now. Richelle was smug about that. It was just the fact that she and her sister were dancing on the same level and team that made Richelle angry.

"The final team was rather surprising." Richelle said. The final team was:

Richelle, Kimberly, Finn, Piper, Amy, Henry, Pete, Marcus, Summer, Rose (a girl from another studio) , Ozzy and Izzy.

The rest had joined B troupe, gutted that they'd been cut.

Richelle had 2 sisters and 2 brothers, Mason (23 years old), Jacob (14 years old), Kimberly (17 years old) and Grace (9 years old). They all were dancers. She was 18.

Although Jacob, Grace and Mason could sense tension in the air, they had decidedly stayed out of the rivalry of the 2 sisters. What a wise decision that was.

"Richelle, you need new point shoes don't you? I can take you there tomorrow if you want." Olivia, (Richelle's mum) said, trying to change the subject.

Richelle nodded silently.

"I want to come too, I need new point shoes now that I'm on a troupe, is that ok?" Kimberly burst out.

"Kimberly, aren't you going to a party tomorrow?" Grace asked, slightly confused.

"Oh yeah, oh well, I suppose I could go next Saturday afternoon, Mason, would you drive me?" Kimberly asked.

"Sorry Kimberly, I'm taking Gabriella to the movies next Saturday, you know, you are old enough to get a drivers license." Mason said apologetically.

Their father Brian huffed,"I still don't approve of dancers dating, Gabriella's just a distraction, instead of going to the movies next week with her you could be going to an audition."

Mason rolled his eyes, "Unfortunately for you I'm 5 years in to adulthood, you can't ban me from dating anymore, besides, what auditions do you know of that are being held next Saturday?"

"Many..." Brian replied vaguely.

Richelle finished her dinner and went up to her room. She was going to study for her next maths exam coming up at school, it was lucky she enjoyed maths.

After a few hours of studying she fell asleep.

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