Once inside, I let him rifle through the contents of the less important vessels, but as a regular inside my mind, he knew some were missing. So when he started looking deeper, I employed another tactic.

I drew forward a specific memory, letting him only see a glimpse before swiftly whisking it away into a random jar and quickly rearranging everything on that shelf. The impression that I didn't want him seeing the memory immediately drew his attention, and he descended upon the newly reorganized shelf. One by one, he quickly re-scanned the contents of each container, looking for what I had just hidden.

While his mind was preoccupied chasing the bait, I slowly removed one hand from the chair back and gently placed it on his shoulder, careful not to draw his attention to my movements. When he got to the last jar on the shelf, he ripped it open, knowing it held what I was trying to hide.

When he finally found what he was looking for, he dove right in, and I had to suppress my chuckle as not to give away my ruse. Because what he was now consumed by was the memory of a particularly steamy rendezvous we had one night.

We had left the Library late, giving ourselves just enough time to get back to the common room before curfew. Draco was teasing me about a question I had gotten wrong while we were studying, so I decided to turn the tables and utilize his tried and true method of getting me to shut up.

I grabbed him by his tie and pulled him behind a tapestry and into the hidden alcove. I pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth to silence him, then ran a trail with my lips down his jawline and neck. My fingers loosened around his tie and slowly slid down his chest. The only sounds coming out of his mouth now were breathy moans.

Meanwhile, back in the empty classroom, my strategically placed hand was mirroring its path from the memory, only pulling Draco in deeper.

My hand continued its journey south until I reached his waistband. I tugged on it, popping open the button, and slid my fingers inside. They trailed down, down, until—

Draco suddenly ejected himself from my mind and grabbed my wrist. His molten silver eyes bore into mine, and his breathing was shallow beneath me.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said innocently, "was I making it hard for you to focus? You know, Draco, a good Legilimens must maintain control, despite—" my eyes flicked down to his unbuttoned pants, "—distractions."

His eyes darkened, and I had to keep myself from physically shivering as a chill ran down my spine.

He wrapped his free hand around the back of my neck and pulled me in, crashing his lips into mine. I abandoned my initial task and reached both hands up to cup his face, kissing him back with equal fervor.

He paused, and I felt his smile on my lips, triggering my own as I pressed my forehead to his and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You did well," He said, a little out of breath.

"Well, I have a good teacher."

He chuckled softly, then tilted his head back to look at me, and his smile faltered. "Are you sure I can't talk you into taking another week off?"

I shook my head. "I'll go stir crazy if I spend one more day alone in my dorm room. I'm ready to get back to my classes."

Draco nodded. I knew he didn't like that answer, but I also knew that he wouldn't argue with my decision.

I placed a hand on his cheek, and he leaned into my touch. "Thank you. For everything."

The corner of his mouth turned up, and he pulled me in and pressed a slow, tender kiss to my lips.

Destined for Darkness (A Draco Malfoy Fic)Where stories live. Discover now