EG x R: You Left Me

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Hey love ✨ I don't see nearly enough Elle content, and I'm hopelessly in love with her so boom this! Gender Neutral reader💕 . Anyways this is something I came up with while listening to a playlist (hm when isn't it) Fluff with angst... xoxo- Auggie

Third Person POV:

When Elle left the BAU, (Y/N) took it harder than anyone. They went from being the sunshine of the team, to not talking. They resented Gideon and Hotch for sending her home in the first place, Emily for taking her place, and everyone but Spencer for moving on too easily. They only talked about cases, never anything at home like they used to.

They were asleep on the jet, as they were heading back from Florida, when the team started talking about them softly.

"It's not the same without (Y/N/N) and Elle." JJ sighed to Gideon and Reid as they played chess, and Emily as she watched.

"What do you mean? We still have one of them." Emily pointed out, not knowing how they acted before Elle left.

"Before Elle left, they were happy. They talked to us, and about more than the case. They joked about Derek and Garcia's flirting, went out to dinners with us... Once Elle left, everything changed. They're mad at basically everyone except Boy Wonder here." JJ gnawed on the pencil she held, trying to solve her crossword without asking Reid.

"It's not my fault. I just actually told them how upset I am that Elle had to leave." Spencer moved his knight from c6 to d9, capturing one of Gideon's rooks.

"Elle did not have to leave. She gave up her badge and gun." Gideon noted as he thought on what move to make.

"Yeah, but Hotch basically made it impossible for her to do anything. Internal Affairs even said she was innocent, why wasn't that enough for him? " Spencer was growing more upset by the minute. He knew why Elle did it, he knew she was guilty, but it was nothing more than her ending something early. "Besides, he shouldn't have let her come with anyways. She still wasn't cleared for duty, and he definitely shouldn't have let her sit in that damn house."

"I did what I thought was right Spencer." Hotch took a break from his paperwork to address the group. "I sent her home because she was falling asleep here. I intended for Anderson to stay with her until she was ready to come back, but he did not, leading to her being shot. It was never my intention to harm an agent Spencer. You should know this."

"Yeah, but you could have not let her come with us." Spencer was growing angrier by the second. Elle was his best friend, and he knew how she felt about (Y/N). She really loved them, and only shot William Lee because he threatened to hurt them. He could have been arrested for threatening a federal agent, yes, but Elle was blinded by rage and emotions. She didn't show for the stupid eval because it was just that. Stupid.

"Spencer. We will not be talking about Elle anymore on this jet, understand?"

"I understand, but I think it's bullshit." He fumed and went to sit by (Y/N) who had woken up to his argument with Hotch. "Sorry (Y/N)." He sighed as they laid their head on his shoulder.

"Not your fault. Thanks for defending me and Elle." They smiled a little and then sat up. They were landing, and so, as they exited the plane, JJ tried to talk to (Y/N).

"Hey... I didn't know you took Elle leaving so hard. I miss her too, alot. She was one of the only people that I really felt like I could talk to, you know?" She ran a hand through her hair.

"It shouldn't have taken Spence blowing up to have you talk to me. You knew Elle and I were friends, even outside of work." They blew JJ off, and speedwalked to their car, dialing Elle's old number. Sometimes, they weren't even sure it worked anymore, or if Elle even had the phone anymore. It normally rang and rang and then sounded this: Hey, this is Elle Greenaway. I can't come to the phone, but leave a message, and I'll try and get back to you! They really only called after cases, just wishing she'd pick up so they could talk. They were expecting the voicemail again, but this time was different.

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