Louis still can't believe last night happened; like he actually straddled Harry's lap and Harry was actually grinding their bodies together. He didn't imagine this or make it up, it's something that really took place. He sighs as he remembers what the older man felt like pressed up against his body.

"If I ever turn gay it will be because of this sexy beast over here. Come sit on my lap." Richard startles Louis out of his thoughts. Louis notices the attorney beckoning him over. He gives a shy smile and crawls over to Richard and tucks himself onto the man's lap. The man gives him a squeeze on the waist and Louis has to shift to get comfortable.

"I'm wounded. My spirit has been broken. Rich, we could be this gay power couple." Zayn jokes. Richard actually snorts loud enough that Louis flinches.

"It's okay Zayn I'll have a gay romance with you." Zayn perks up then deflates when he realizes it's Liam who gives the suggestion.

"Never mind." Zayn mumbles and Liam yells 'prick' as he flings some chips at the man. This starts a mini food fight and Louis giggles and groans at the same time because while he's amused he also knows he'll have to vacuum.

It's Harry who breaks up the food fight. There are mashed chips all over the ground, Liam's hair is a mess, Niall is on his second blunt and Louis really can't wait for adulthood.

"I think it's my turn to complain." Harry shouts to the room after he gets them all to be quiet, Harry then picks up Loki and puts the kitten in his lap. Louis looks on expectantly because he knows there's something troubling his friend. He also knows that if whatever is troubling him is related to Carly then it'll be all Louis' fault. Louis almost wants to slink down in shame.

He feels awful, he's been trying not to let it show to Harry, and put on a brave face, but the truth of the matter is; he's fucking frightened. Like 'I've just seen a ghost, holy shit they're real' type of scared. He's never been more horrified in his entire life and that's taken into account that one year he and Niall got high and went to a haunted house.

He never even thought that he could feel this way; so hopeless and alone. He wasn't even at a gay bar; he just went to a local spot all the college kids go to because the bouncer their never checks for id's.

He just wanted to have a good time and not be so alone, even though he has Loki, and that's all he still wants. He doesn't want large men forcing themselves onto him, he doesn't want to have to lock the bathroom door and fight for his life all because some asshole can't take no for an answer. He also doesn't want to be the damsel in distress.

The longer he goes on the more he's starting to realize that guys are awful. He enjoys older men yeah but not all men are like Harry. They aren't all like Richard, Zayn, Liam, and Luke. They all aren't nice and funny; no. Instead most of them just take what they want with no regard towards the consequences; almost as if they're entitled to anything they want just because they were born with a penis.

Louis blinks and Richards hold on him tightens, probably because Louis has gone tense. He breathes out some and focuses on the room before him as he leans back into the warm embrace that allows him to feel safe.

"Tell us, H." Niall shouts out and Louis tries to focus on what's going on. It seems like he's missed some parts of this conversation.

"I'm just so over Carly." The man drags out.

"Mate, I've been on that Saint Laurent website and the fact that she managed to get two things for only twenty-one hundred dollars is fucking impressive." Zayn adds and Louis watches as Harry rolls his eyes.

"That's not the point though, the point is that she over spent to get back at Harry. That's not something one does in a relationship; it's not healthy." Liam explains and Harry nods.

Falling In Love (L.S)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu