You are a unique one, Kyoko.

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(Kyoko's pov)

I woke up, as always. At 5 am. Got dressed and headed to the motel, as I approached the motel I noticed a massive van outside and people unloading tons of boxes... then I remember I had to help, so like a good person, I ignored it and entered the motel lobby.

"Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up."


'Miss Ludenberg-'

"Please, call me Celeste. I trust you remember our deal?"

'Yes... but how am I suppose to fit all that into your room?'

"I guess you'll just have to work it out, won't you?"

She gave me a smile and stood up, and as she walked past me I could smell her perfume. It was actually quite lovely-
I also reluctantly left the lobby and stared at the many boxes on the lawn... but it's for 150... so it's somewhat worth it.
I started looking through the boxes... cat figures, a box of red ties.. in a box called, a box full of boxes of red ties. I was speechless. I must've got carried away looking cause it was already 6:30 am and it seemed to start raining. I quickly packed it all back up and slowly but surely dragged all the boxes into Celeste's room. By the time I was done, it was 7:20 am. And I still had to unpack it all and somehow fit it all in this tiny room....

Next thing I know, I wake up to Celeste ridiculously close to my face. I must've fallen asleep...

"Ah, you're awake. I must say, I'm impressed."

'What are you on about-'

I looked around the room and holy shit. I somehow managed to fit it all in, and make it look good.

'Holy shit...'

"Remind me to call you when I leave this dump, I could use help like this..."

I only realised now that I was on Celeste's bed, which now had a black cover and in all just a gothic look. I quickly scrambled out of the bed and nodded.

'Yeaah, no. I would love to get out of this place but I deserve way more than 150 for this, you've practically put me through manuel labour.'

"Hm... you do have a point, very well then."

She put her hands in her pocket, and pulled out a wallet. As she was flipping through... numerous credit cards, she kept muttering to herself.

'Yknow what, pay me later it's fine-'

"No, no.. Here, take this for now."

She handed me a 100 pound note, never seen one of these in person. As I was looking at the note, I felt her lips on my cheek.

'I- you- I said the money was fine-'

"Well yes, but... you do deserve more for this, so I'll give you the 50 later and maybe another kiss aswell..."

I could feel my face go bright red, and she just kept chuckling and smiling.
I quickly excuse myself and tried to leave, only for my hand to get grabbed.

"You are a unique one, Kyoko. I don't usually warm up to people this fast... maybe there's more to it... who knows.."

'Yeaaah maybe, or maybe I'm just cute and cool and- and yeah... yknow... that stuff..."

I quickly escaped and closed the door. WHAT DID I JUST SAY??? I need a sit down...

(Celeste pov)

As soon as the door closed, I felt a lingering sensation of happiness. I looked around the room and... surprisingly didn't want to change anything, not even the sheets... and that smell was also gone. She truly is wonderful...
I probably just spent the next few hours in my room, sorting out my hair which was absolutely atrocious for someone of my standing. I then headed to the cafe, I was parched afterall. I entered and it was a bit lively than last time, I could see Hina waitressesing someone who seemed to be... hang on.. was that.. Hifumi?

I walked over, and as soon as he noticed me. I regretted it.

"MISS LUDENBERG! it's great to see you!"

'Yes.. yes... why are you here, Hifumi?'

"W-well, after you won that bet... they raided the mansion... luckily I managed to hide thanks to the secret clothing room you always loved!"

Dammit. I was so ready to be rid of this man forever... ugh, atleast I've got one butler I guess...
For some sick reason, I decided to sit at his table... ugh.

"Tea again, Miss Ludenberg?" Hina asked, with a pep in her step.
I nodded as Hifumi was eating some... edible stuff. We somehow chatted for hours.. Jesus. I must've been really bored.

"So... Miss Ludenberg, how is life in this town? I'm sure you miss the mansion and your legions of butlers..."

'It's okay... I am absolutely digusted by the folks here apart from someone but...'

"Oh? Have you found someone you tolerate?"

He asked with such an... annoying tone, it was one of those voices... but I had gotten used to it so I guess its somewhat tolerable.

'Hifumi. I've known you for.. 3 years, and I tolerate you. Her, however, less than a day and I already prefer her over you.'

I said all this with a smile because it was true. While Hifumi had his uses, the only reason I haven't let him go is his ability to make surprisingly good food and tea. He must just have a talent for it. He really only replied with a chuckle, he was used to me insulting him anyway.

"Ah well, atleast she isn't insufferable like the people you won against the other week, they trashed up the entire place!"

'...did my cat survive?'

"Oh! That reminds me!" He quickly opened his bag and pulled out... a cage, with my dear Cheri
I snatched the cage from him, and left the cafe.

"I'll come round later!"

I ignored him and went back to the motel, where I saw Kyoko about to leave.

'Kyoko. Come here.'

"Wh- is.. that a cat?"

'Yes. This is Grand Bois Cheri Ludenberg, and I need you to go buy some gyoza.'

"This.. town doesn't have that."

'What. Nevermind then, come to my room.'

I ran to my room with the cage in hand, Kyoko following behind. As we entered, I let the precious boy out of his cage as he immediately fell asleep on my bed.

"Why am I needed here-"

'I wanted to give you the other 50. And I wanted to show off my cat. But mostly the 50!'

I've only now just realised how different I was acted, I quickly regained my posture and accent. Kyoko obviously noticed this.

"... can I have the 50 then?"

I gave her another 50, along with 20 extra.

'One day, I'll ask for repayment for that 20. So don't forget... you can leave now.'

"...right, uh. Cute cat... whatever his name was, and I'll see you later I guess"

After she left, I undressed and got in bed with my darling Cheri. Its been too long...

(Kyoko pov)

I left the motel, and ventured home. I was still reeling from the pain of moving all those boxes for Celeste, but atleast I got money... and a kiss. I decided to go shopping for a bottle of wine, because I felt like one day Celeste was going to drive me insane so I want to be prepared. I bought the most expensive one that was under 100 and went home. I entered my flat, which was a mess. I walked through clothes on the floor, my sink was full of dishes... the TV was still on... and I still had all my empty bottles on the sidetable... but i couldn't be bothered cleaning up, I was too tired. I put the wine bottle in my fridge and sat on the couch, I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember whatever was on the TV.

I woke up, once again, at 5:00 am. I had a shower, got dressed and headed to the motel.... and infront of the motel.. I saw something.

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