Request: Yandere! Spirit x Senpai

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     Spirit hummed a tune as he cleaned up the house, Senpai had gone out to hang out with Girlfriend and Boyfriend and he wanted to impress his best friend (and crush). Spirit had liked Senpai since before they had left the dating simulator, but the high schooler's eyes were always on Girlfriend. Despite her being in a very comitted relationship with Boyfriend.

     He'll come around someday... Spirit thought as he levitated the duster to clean the blinds, not having a human form sucked sometimes. As though on cue, Senpai walked in, grumbling to himself until he saw Spirit.

"Hey Spirit!" Senpai called out as he passed by the ghost, putting his shoes on the shoe rack.

"Hey... So, how'd it go?" Spirit asked and Senpai sighed sadly.

"Horribly... I don't get it, how could she like some blue haired moron more then me!"

"You know, I'm right here if you really want to go out with someone..."

"Thanks Spirit, your a good friend..!" Senpai spoke cheerfully and Spirit couldn't help but feel enraged.

     Years together and Senpai STILL saw them as just friends? What did he do wrong? That was when he realized that it was Girlfriend, he wasn't over her in the slightest. Despite all of Spirit's kindness, intelligence and charming actions, Senpai would still choose a stupid demon girl over him.

"Hey Senpai, I'm going down to the basement for a bit, working on that project I told you about." Spirit explained as he began to make his way to the basment steps.

"Okay, have fun! And- don't hurt yourself!" Senpai called out as he sat down on the living room couch. Spirit smiled, he loved when Senpai would say things like that to him..!

"I'll make you mine, just you wait..!" Spirit spoke darkly as he entered his special room in the basement, beginning to make some preperations...

     The next day Spirit had recieved a text from Girlfriend, saying that they needed to talk about Senpai. Spirit told Senpai he was going out for a walk and Senpai bought the lie, and thus Spirit went to Girlfriend's place. He didn't even have to ring the doorbell before Girlfriend opened the door, motioning for him to come in. The place was fancy, which was to be expected from the daughter of an ex rockstar.

"So... Senpai... He's been acting really creepy if I'm being honest..! Not in a scary way, but in a 'I want to ruin your relationship' way..!" Girlfriend explained and Spirit nodded.

"I have a plan to make him stop this stupid obsession over you, but before I say anything... you don't mind if I brought drinks, do you?"

"No, not at all! What kind?"

"Cherry soda, I know that's your favorite. I got me water, I don't really want soda..." Spirit explained as he 'handed' Girlfriend the soda. She opened the bottle and drank it, smiling as she did so.

"Thanks! We should... I should probably sit down, I don't like standing for too long..!" Girlfriend chuckled as she sat down on the couch.

"Right, so..."

"The plan! What exactly is your plan?"

"Make him fall for someone else." Spirit spoke bluntly and Girlfriend nodded.

"Works for me! But who and how..?"

"I already know who, and as for how... that's where you come in."

"How so..?" Girlfriend asked as she yawned, suddenly feeling sleepy.

"Oh you'll see..! And so will he!" Spirit chuckled as Girlfriend passed out on the couch, the drugs Spirit had put in the soda had worked perfectly.

     Spirit carried her sleeping body back to his and Senpai's shared place, it was surprisingly easy to not get caught. Spirit brought her to the basement and got to work, Senpai would be his soon enough..! A few hours had passed, and Spirit decided to knock on Senpai's door. The latter opened the door moments after, he looked worried.

"Spirit! Girlfriend- she... she isn't responding to my messages! Did something happen!? Did- did she block me again!?"

"...Senpai, I wanted to show you something I've been working on for a while..! But if all you care about is that then I guess I can wait..."

"Wait- your finally ready to show me!? Hell yeah! I wanna see, Girlfriend can wait!" Senpai spoke excitedly as he pratically rushed downstairs, not waiting for Spirit.

     Spirit had quickly caught up with the boy, and soon enough they were in the basement. Senpai flipped the light on to see a strange shrine, filled with various different items. Candy, flowers, photos, and all sorts of items along with cherry blossom and rose scented candles. The weird part? The stuff was all themed around him.

"S... Spirit? Did- did you make this..?" Senpai asked as he approached the shrine, slightly unnerved by said object of affection.

"Yes! All for you Senpai! And that's not even the best part!!" Spirit exclaimed and Senpai chuckled nervously.

"L-look, I appreciate the gesture but this is a bit much..! I think I'm gonna go-" Spirit interuptted Senpai midsentence by 'grabbing' his hand.

"Come on! I didn't even get to show you the best part!!" Spirit exclaimed as the door to the other room in said basement opened.

     Senpai gulped as Spirit pratically dragged him into said room. Senpai screamed as soon as he realized what he was looking at. Girlfriend was crucified, her hands and feet stabbed into a wooden cross. There was a strange symbol on the ground below her, and a few unlit candles. Girlfriend herself was awake and unphased, or so it seemed.

"Hey Senpai..! This wasn't exactly the plan here..." Girlfriend chuckled awkwardly and Senpai panicked.

"Girlfriend!? What happened- and- and why are you- Spirit what have you done!?"

"I did all of this for you! All for you Senpai! Because I love you, I love you so much! Tell me you love me too, tell me!!"

"L... Look, Spirit! I- I like you as a friend, you know I like Girlfriend and-" Senpai stopped midsentence as one of the candles lit up, followed by another one.

"WAIT! DON'T HURT HER PLEASE! I'LL- I'LL DO ANYTHING..!" Senpai shouted and Spirit chuckled as he lit another candle.

"Tell me you love me, tell me you want to spend the rest of eternity with me!! Tell me you HATE her guts, that's what I want to hear!" Spirit cackled and Senpai stepped forward a bit.

"I... I want to but... I wouldn't mean it and- and I'd need more time if I ever wanted to fall for you..! And- and Girlfriend's always been on my mind, you know that..!" Senpai explained, hoping to calm down the vengeful ghost.

"I see... Then I guess I'll have to give you that time... Once she's dead!" Spirit exclaimed as he lit another candle, and Senpai quickly rushed to try and put out a candle before the last one could be lit.

     He was quickly stopped by Spirit's magic however, as he was forced to watch the final candle get lit and Girlfriend parished soon after. Tears fell down his face as he heard the girl scream, and soon after there was silence and an empty husk the candles had gone out thus leaving them in the dark.

"G... Girlfriend..!" Senpai cried and Spirit was quick to comfort him.

"Hey, don't cry..! It's ok, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere..!" Spirit sung out as he got closer to Senpai, the boy had slunk down onto the ground.

"Y... You're not..?" Senpai choked out and Spirit nodded.

     Senpai hadn't thought twice as he hugged Spirit, tears fell down his face as he sobbed into the ghost. Senpai just wanted to go back, back to when Girlfriend was alive and Spirit wasn't insane... How long had his friend been like this for..? How long would it last..? Senpai didn't know, and that just made him cry more, until eventually he felt tired from crying so much. Things would never be the same, and it was his fault...

A/N: Truth be told I've had this finished for days now- I was just too lazy to post :P
But hey! It's here now!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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