Ella saves Kyle and Tuck...Again

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At the Lookout...

Ella was sitting on Kyle's bed in his Shelter looking at his homemade garage.

Ella: Strange, Kyle hasn't come back yet. What could be stopping him?

Ella receives a call from her Pup-Tag.

Ella: Huh?

Ella answers the call from her Pup-Tag.

Ella: Hello?

Kyle FKZF: Ella? You there?

Ella: Kyle, where are you and Tuck at?

Kyle FKZF: Me and Tuck are in trouble, I found something good for me on top of a rocky wall in the Desert, but me and Tuck are trapped on this rocky surface and we can't get down. We're 15 feet above the ground.

Ella: (Gasp) Hold on Kyle. I'm on my way!

Kyle FKZF: Hurry El! The surface is gonna collapse soon.

*The call ends*

Ella: Hang on Kyle and Tuck! I'm on my way!

Ella gets in her Mighty Gear and grew into Gigantic size and she runs as fast as her Huge Legs can carry her to the Desert to save Kyle and Tuck.

At the Desert...

Kyle and Tuck were stranded on a rocky surface 15 ft above the ground.

Tuck: Ky. I'm scared.

Kyle FKZF: I may be a little scared. Just keep your cool Tuck. Your Sister is on her way.

Tuck: Okay. I'll try.

But, a little bit of the surface that Kyle and Tuck were on broke.

Tuck: Oh, no. I'm about to lose it.

Kyle FKZF: C'mon Ella. Hurry.

A bit of the surface Kyle and Tuck were on breaks even more. Kyle was hanging onto a broken part of the surface, Tuck had a little room.

Kyle FKZF: Oh, shoot!

Tuck: Oh, no! Help! Help us!

But then, the little room Tuck had broke and both, Kyle and Tuck were hanging onto a broken part.

Tuck: HELP! Somebody save us!

Tuck loses his grip and falls.

Tuck: AAAH!!

Kyle FKZF: Tuck!

Tuck then lands on Ella's back.

Tuck: Oof!

Ella: I got you little bro!

Tuck: Thanks Sis!

Kyle then loses his grip and falls.


Ella and Tuck: Kyle!

Ella: I'll catch him!

Ella then opens her mouth and Kyle fell inside of her mouth with her cheeks goubled up, giving a lot of shock to Tuck.

Tuck: Ella! Don't eat him! He's not food!

Kyle was inside Ella's mouth sitting on Ella's Big squishy Tongue.

Kyle FKZF: Don't worry Tuck! I'm good!

Tuck heard Kyle's voice inside the Giant Golden Retriever's mouth.

Ella: Don't worry Tuck. He's okay. He's just sitting on my Tongue.

Tuck: Ew, sitting on an animal's Tongue is gross. But in other words, It's good that Kyle's alright.

Ella: Now that I saved my brother and my best friend in the world, Let's go home.

Tuck: Yeah.

Ella: Are you gonna be okay inside my mouth Ky?

Kyle FKZF: I'll be okay. I can still breathe in here, even though you have bad breath.

Ella: Okay. Hold on to me tight. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Ella with Tuck on her Back and Kyle inside her mouth sitting on her Tongue starts running back to the Lookout.

After a while...

Ella with Tuck on her Back and Kyle inside her mouth sitting on her Tongue made it back home to the Lookout in Adventure Bay.

Ella: Alright boys, we're home.

Tuck then jumps off of his Sister's back and Ella leans her Head down and opens her mouth and Kyle got out of Ella's mouth.

Ella: I'm glad you're alright little bro. And you too Ky.

Tuck: Yeah, I couldn't spend minutes on that rocky surface without losin' it.

Kyle FKZF: Me and him were panicking hard, Really.

Ella: In other words, I'll give Kyle and my brother Tuck some of my Love.

Ella then licks Kyle and Tuck with her Big Tongue 8 times leaving Tuck with a little bit of Ella's drool in him.

Tuck: Yuck! I got my Sister's drool on me. I never knew how Big her Tongue was until that day she saved me and Kyle by eating us.

Kyle FKZF: Ella, can you bring your Head down please?

Ella leans her Head down again and Kyle climbs up onto her Big muzzle and Kyle was standing on her Fur. Her Big blue eyes were facing him too.

Kyle FKZF: Thanks once again for saving my life. I Love you!

Kyle then hugs Ella's face.

Tuck: Awww!

Ella: Thank you Kyle. (Blushing)

Kyle FKZF: You're welcome my Giant Princess Pup.

The End.

Ella saves Kyle and Tuck...AgainWhere stories live. Discover now