You groaned. "Good lord, how embarrassing."

"It's not embarrassing, just focus on yourself right now. But..." Uraraka shifted on her knees behind you, one arm hooked around your shoulders. "[Name]... have you considered the fact that you might be pregnant?"

You dabbed at the corners of your mouth with the wet cloths the server had brought you. A point in your chest had begun to ache. Up until now, you'd written it off as a bug or virus, but... thinking back on it logically, it added up. The nausea, or morning sickness, coupled with how fatigued and moody you'd been. Was your period really that late? It was likely. You'd been so busy these days that you hadn't even been keeping track of that anymore.

"I... can't say it's impossible," you admitted.

Uraraka gripped you tighter. "Right. So, I'd say first things first, after we clean up and get out of here, I think you should take a pregnancy test. I'll drive you to the nearest drugstore and we can pick one up, okay?"


A swell of emotions had burst through your rib-cage, but right now, you were just trying to focus on not throwing up on the floor.

The test came back positive.

Uraraka had been there to support you, and you were at least thankful for that, but this raised a lot of concerns. Most of them were in terms of logistics, finance, and long-term development, but the more pressing issue was something else entirely.

Namely, how you would bring this up to your fiancé.

Katsuki was a good guy. You'd realized this back in your U.A days, and the feelings hadn't changed since then. If anything, they'd grown stronger. The last few years you'd spent together had been yet more proof of the resilience of your bond. When he'd proposed a few months back, it had been the happiest day of your life.

For all the reasons you loved him, you knew that he had it in him to be an amazing dad. The question was if he was ready to be a dad. That, you had no way of knowing, and with the wedding still a few months away, you were horrified that this could be the make-or-break decision that would drive a wedge between your relationship.

Stepping into the apartment, you were, by all accounts, terrified. You had no idea how to bring it up, or when the right moment was, or if there even was a right moment for these kinds of things. You wanted to have a child, of course, and you wouldn't dream about having one with anyone other than Katsuki, but still. This was a big deal, and you still had a lot of unanswered questions. Perhaps waiting a bit longer to tell him would be the right call.

But Uraraka said I should do it sooner rather than later. Shit...

You were a walking bundle of nerves, and Katsuki was already home, making food. The scent alone made you gag.

"Babe, is that you?"

"Yeah... just got back."

He poked his head around the corner first, then stepped out altogether, donning the cheesy 'kiss-the-cook' apron you'd bought him for Christmas.

"How was it?" he asked, shuffling up his sleeves a bit farther.

"Good." You flashed him a weak smile. "What're you making?"

"Curry—but not too spicy, don't worry."

You should've known from the smell alone. A heavy meal like that was probably the worst thing he could possibly ask you to eat at a time like this. You knew there was no way you'd be able to hold it down.

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