Chapter 5 - As It Is

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After a whole lot of thought, both Senpai and the girls have to speed up the pace. Guess who will.



There was a plan in the works for Sakura. She was the one that really attracted the boys. It was the tan, blonde hair, cute voice, and the way she flirted. Give or take this something that was going to be in the works at some point. Seemingly so, Sakura could get nearly any boy she wanted in her grade. Possibly the grade above her too. Why is that? Things happen when you practice it and put a lot of time into their look. And most males don't become attractive until later on anyway. 

Kuchi was in the library first. Then Nagatoro, Yoshi, and Gamo-chan bustled in soon after. But as they were doing their school work so they can pass, they noticed that there was an empty seat.  Where was Sakura? Blonde was running a little late. As they bust out the books and got to work, they soon realized how disturbing the sight of an empty chair could be. Their friend should be there. Where was she? Did something come up or is there something going on?

Just as Yoshi was about to dial her, Sakura walked into the library. Looking her upset. Just as the three of them felt, something had happened. "Senpai." She squeaked as she ran over to Kuchi.

Kuchi looked over his shoulder and then felt a hug from behind him. "Hey."

Nagatoro looked horrified. Someone was hugging over Kuchi and being way too close to his face. She wanted her to back away quick.

"What's going on Sakura?" He asked.

"There is a guy that's being creepy. Can you help me?"

"Slow down. Help how? How did I get involved here?"

Sakura kept nuzzling into his arm and shoulder. "This guy keeps following me around. It's creepy."

"Okay? Am I supposed to confront him?" He pondered as he looked over to see Nagatoro still as a statue just staring into his soul. 

"Confront him and pretend to be my boyfriend?" 

"Gahhh..." He gasped as Nagatoro blushed in horror. "I don't think-"

"Not happening!" Cried Nagatoro.

"Relax Toro-chan. They don't need to hold hands. Right?" Gamo-chan was all for it.

Good grief. How in the hell am I going to pull this off? I was supposed to be doing this to Nagatoro if it happened. How long is this supposed to go on for? I'm just confronting right? Or is there something else they're trying to do? I don't get them.


There was something going on. Something legit that raised concerns and just felt uncomfortable. Though the way Sakura was handling this and the plan she wanted to put in prospective was questionable. Wanting a guy to act as her boyfriend and stand up to him? Is that ever a good idea? What if he's huge? What if he's tough? But hopefully it works out. Yet, there is an old saying. Hope, is not a plan. And with Kuchi being taken hostage of this bad situation, he had already agreed and Sakura had no one else to go to.

When it was time to head to the shoe lockers the plan was already going into action. Though to think that Kuchi had to go outside of the shoe locker outdoor entrance and confront a guy was wild. But it looked his size. That wasn't too much. The only issue at hand is what would be the punishment. He had to keep himself at a good standard. 

After he closed his locker Kuchi nodded at Sakura to follow him. Going straight out of the shoe locker room and seeing a student with glasses eye them. "Hey buddy."

He nearly jumped. "Yes?"

"Back off of the lady will you? Because if you stop making my girlfriend uncomfortable that would be great."

The student flinched. "Hey man. What's going on?"

"I'm hearing that you keep staring at her from a distance. That's stalking you know. And before I get the baseball team involved, let's bury this now. Shall we?" Kuchi turned around to Sakura and gave her a wink. This was working out much better than he anticipated. This could have been a fight. But he didn't want any smoke. 

The stalker bowed. "I apologize. I got too carried away. I thought she was available. Please accept my apologizes. Both of you." He stood up. "I'll be on my way."

"Well then..." Kuchi just watched him take off in a hurry. To prevent things for being more awkward. "That was easier than expected. I'll take it."

Sakura ran up and hugged behind him. "My hero."

Nagatoro was steaming. "Can you not hug him randomly!"

"Please." Kuchi blushed as he agreed with her.

"Don't make him turned on. He's a dog." Huffed Nagatoro.

"Yeah right." 

"Gross." Nagatoro smacked the back of Kuchi's back. "Gross. Gross."

"You sure?" Gamo-chan grinned. The three girls enjoyed teasing the recently new Senpai. But then Nagatoro as well. It was a girl thing. "Is it the hair? The power?"

"Power?" Asked Nagatoro softly.

"You lack the power." Gamo-chan leaned back and started shaking her chest. "No power."

"Power!" Chimed Yoshi.

"I don't have too much. But enough for my figure." Teased Sakura.

"You know, she has a great figure and I can't see her any different. So can you knock it off? It's a little awkward." Nagatoro felt a little blush coming on. Not about her chest, but for a guy standing up for her. Of course she didn't know how to properly say thank you, is was a step in a solid direction. "Now girls, can we do something that don't involve guys that want to try and make one of you their girlfriend?"

"You know Paisen, you got a point." Gamo-chan lead the way. "The day is real nice. Let's see what we can do. Head to the park and study. We can't stay back. We all might have a little trouble."

"Speak for yourselves." Huffed Nagatoro.

"I'm with her. But let's just hope for no guys. Easier that way." Nodded Kuchi.

"Trying to make a move?" Teased Sakura.

"Not on your life..."

Senpai, you're less gross today. But next time, no pretend girlfriend. 




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