I Love you

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The moment they knew they loved you.

Members: CC!Dream, CC!Georgenotfound, CC!Sapnap, CC!Wilbur Soot, CC!Quackity, CC!Karl Jacobs, CC!Nihachu and CC!Fundy.

TW: hecking ton of fluff, swears, use of real names


You were messing around with Patches, using a laser to have her go in circles around the coffee table. Clay chuckled and continued to scroll through Twitter. It was just a peaceful, no stream or recording day for him. "Oh, my gosh! Patches!" he looked up to meet you cradling Patches in your arms, rocking her back and forth as if a real child.

"What's wrong?"

"She hit her head on the coffee table. Oh, my poor baby." you coddled her, softly giving her kisses all around her face. Clay grinned, looking back down at his phone.

They're so damn cute. I think I'm in love with them.


You two were watching a movie, something George had picked out for the Friday movie night marathon. It was a comedy, of course. What movie night doesn't have comedy? This one particular scene got to you, causing a huge eruption of laughter that anyone in a twenty mile radius could hear. You hiccuped in between and held your stomach. You were clearly trying to ease the laugh, but it only got worse as George laughed with you—well, more like at you. Neither of you could stop and the movie only continued, though neither were concentrating.

There was something in the moment when George looked at you through tear filled eyes that he saw someone perfect. Gosh, he loved you. He wanted you forever.


Sapnap, Clay and you were sitting at a table in the park, one of those wooden picnic tables, and watching the other families walk, run, skip by. You insisted on making them go outside with you. Minecraft YouTubers need sun too, you told them.

"Y/n?" Clay got your attention, dragging your eyes from a passing kid to him from across the table. Clay showed his phone. It was a meme of a show you two enjoyed together. Sapnap didn't really like it himself, but thankfully you had Clay to watch it with. You laughed at the meme, going on to talk about the scene in said meme. Sapnap could only watch the interaction and smile. His best friend and significant other are getting along so well. Two of his favourite people were getting along. Two of the people he loves were friends. It was a sudden thought, but he knew it was true. He really loves you.


He just finished streaming with Tommy and Alex, now going to lay down. It was so exhausting to him. He just wanted to sleep now. But when he got to that comfy sofa of his, he could smell the food. His favourite food. He got up to see, to wander into the kitchen, and found you setting up the table with the food you made. You made him dinner?

"What's this?"

"Food, duh." you said sarcastically, giving him a smirk. "Well, no shit," he laughed, giving you a small kiss atop of your head and taking a seat and the head of the table. "I mean, what's the occasion of making all this?"

"No reason. I just thought you deserved something special." Wilbur let out a breathy chuckle. How did he get someone so amazing as you? Someone to love him this much? Oh, Gods, he was in love with you big time.


"Y/n? Have you seen my beanie?" Alex walked into his room, looking through a few draws to find his danged beanie before he streams. "Yeah."

"Really? Wher—" he stopped mid word once he saw said beanie on your head. You smirked. "I think it looks a lot better on me." he got out his phone, chuckling. "Never in a million years will you look better than me in a beanie. I'm the king of beanie wearers." he took a ton of pictures, not caring when you gave him the finger. He laughed as he fell onto the bed with you, taking the beanie from your head. "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome very much, Handsome." he grinned, giving you a peck on the lips. "I've gotta stream. Will you be here when I'm done?"

"Of course. Maybe I'll even have food for us."

"How did I ever score you?"

"No idea, but you better enjoy it."

"I fucking love it." I fucking love you.


He was on Facetime with George, talking about this and that. You were sitting beside him, cuddling into his side with a blanket wrapped around you. "Y/n? Is Karl lying to me?" George asked, making Karl tilt the camera so you were in view. "Yes."

"Hey! You're supposed to be on my side." Karl pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. You leaned up and gave him a peck, grinning and said, "Sorry, Baby." George gagged and whined about having to see the affectionate love.

Love? Do I love Y/n? Karl giggled. Yes, I do.


As much as streaming was fun, a lot of hate could come with it. Niki wasn't having the best day, something about the hate she was getting recently hitting her differently. You were holding her, keeping her phone and any form of internet out of her reach and had beautifully scented candles lit for calmness. She had her hands wrapped around your back, gripping onto the fabric of your hoodie. Her face was tucked under your chin and you had hands holding her tight. She felt so safe with you.

"Y/n?" you hummed, running a hand up and down Niki's back for comfort. "Are you mad at me?" It was a ridiculous question, she knew that, but sometimes that reassurance is everything to some people. "Don't be silly, Niki. I would never be mad at you, but you know what I am feeling?" Niki looked up, meeting eye to eye with you. "Hungry." Niki laughed at the blunt tone used and the now heard rumbling stomach followed after your statement.

You're the person she wants to be with forever.


It was one of the chillest days for Floris. He was just sitting there, hand over lips and holding his chin as he watched you type something on your phone. He was just thinking, just thinking what you were to him. His partner, his significant other. It was so simple, but when you gave a deep chuckle and typed faster, he felt a pull at his heart.

I love you.

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