Truth revelation

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Recap : Aman went to get fresh up

He thought that chotu has no plan and he came down

In present......

At dining table.......

All are sitting on their chairs and eating. They completed their dinner and all are sitting in hall. Till now sara and chotu are silent

(Mahita : calm before the Strom)

Back to story....

All are sitting on couch

Dadi now tell us what happened in office after your lunch

Aman upto lunch who told what happened

Parveen mr.chotu told us

Aman oh

Chotu what oh I didn't told how you hurt chachi again

Aman what??? When??? When I hurted her???

Chotu you are taking care of mallika leaving roshini chachi


By listening chotu everyone got angry but all know what is the truth so they kept silent

But sara and chotu are keep on scolding and Parveen , dadi and baby are silent aman is irritated

Aman stop it guys please ammi prepare decorations for tomorrow

Parveen preparations why????

Chotu he hurted his girlfriend na may be to tell sorry

By listening this all got anger

Sara what is this bhai you are cheating bhabhi

Baby what aman??? What about roshini then???

Chotu then what about baby

Baby if aman cheat roshini why about me

Dadi patted baby head

Dadi baby aman's baby they are talking about

Baby oh sorry I forgot

Chotu and sara are keep on scolding aman and now remaining three also started scolding

Bazigaar is dancing seeing aman ki bezatazzi

Aman is hell irritatied

Aman Bazigaar

Bazigaar flew towards aman and changed into wand

Aman kiya mifa

All mouths shut except chotu's and chotu was keep on taunting aman. All are shocked by this

Soon chotu realised that all stopped and saw at his back and shocked

Aman chotu how are you able to talk

Chotu ha

Aman why did my magic is not working on you

Chotu what I know

All are humming to tell aman to free from magic. Soon he realised and released them

Dadi how is this possible???

Parveen ha ammi this may lead a new problem of we neglect

Dadi wait I will call tabezzi

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