Chapter One

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Floating in the early morning sunlight the smell of my aunt making breakfast drifted out to me as I floated in the warm tropical waters. The sun had risen about two hours ago, but even before that I had been lazily floating in the waters as it sleepily made its ascent into the sky. The tropical sun shone brightly on my closed eyes as I drifted close to the boat.

As much as I hated being stuck here away from my laptop and friends it was pretty alright since I at least could swim a lot. I climbed up the ladder to the boat deck slowly and dived back in the water with a running start. Coming to the surface I felt a fast current pass me by. What the?... Looking down at the water I saw the silhouette of a strange creature swimming away.

Taking a deep breath I dove down after the strange creature as it swam far her away. Swimming down deeper after the creature I saw the bright red scales that covered it's tail. Why was I even chasing this freaking thing!? I mean for all I knew that thing could have been some freaking un-discovered species of shark that would tear my face off!

I was feeling lightheaded and quickly running out of air, so forced to give up my pursuit on the strange creature and swam back to the surface as quickly as possible.

"Troy, breakfast is ready come on!" I heard my aunt calling from below deck.

I slowly climbed back up the ladder to the deck and gazed back out at the still water searching for any sign of the strange creature. But, what I didn't know is that while I was looking out at the still ocean waters before me, the creature that would forever change my life lurked beside the boat staring up at me.

I walked down the soft carpetted steps below deck and found my aunt setting the table with two plates filled with a stack of three pancakes coated in syrup, patty sausages, scrambled eggs, and a buttermilk biscuit. I smiled and sat down at the table across from my aunt and began to cut off a piece of pancake with my fork. I finished eating soon after and walked into the little room that was my home now.

Pulling out a hairbrush from my bag I began to brush out my long brown hair. My mom loved to yell at me to cut my hair but I still never cut it so my hair hung lazily over one eye at all times and I didn't care really. Looking in the small mirror on the wall I stared at my reflection. Long brown hair and stormy blue eyes stared back at me. I always had a streak for misbehaving every where I went so another reason my parents sent me out here was probably to learn more respect, not that it would happen.

I ran back up the stairs to the deck and started climbing up a huge pole that was on the stern of the boat that had a large blank of wood attached to it that was about to become my diving board. Jumping off the plank of wood I dove deep into the water and swam up to the surface again. I swam about ten yards from the boat and began swimming back and forth in laps.

Soon after I started doing this I noticed something swam beside me, I couldn't see it but I knew it was there. I could see a silhouette of some creature swimming about ten feet below the water a few feet from me. The creature or whatever the thing was seemed very protective because no matter how far I'd swim off away from it the creature stayed about ten foot down and two foot away.

I tried to ignore the strange creature as I continued to swim, expecting the creature to swim away eventually. The creature stayed there under the water even as I climbed out of the water to take a nap on the deck. What is that thing, and more importantly, what does it want with me?

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