
I start running until I can't feel my legs.


I'm lost.

I don't know where I left my phone. Maybe in the bathroom stall where I cried. Or maybe near the waiting area where I cried again, also where I ditched Anna's kindness. No phone, no contact. Part of that felt good. I couldn't stand to see the sadness over Jackson's face at the news of his sister's to-come death, in addition to that to one of his uncles being dead. Juno took it all very hard. The moment he heard, he burst out of the room. I've never seen him like that before. We haven't heard from him since that.

I don't even know which floor Klarise's room is. My memories feel so tangled up together. Maybe I'm already on her floor? Did I take the elevator? I can't remember.

I am walking in a brightly lit hallway that looks like all the other hallways. I walk. And walk. And walk. I look down, and I realize I'm not wearing any shoes. How have I not noticed that earlier? Where did my shoes go?

I'm walking again, not caring about where my shoes are. Barefoot on these nicely tended floors are fine by me.

Walk. Walk. Walk.

When I look up. I see a bunch of workers in suits and blouses with a few nurses. They're carrying...a bag. A very large rectangular formed bag. They carry it with so much care even though it's just a bag.

I squint my eyes. No. That's a body. There's a body in that bag.

I thought of Cameron. Flesh and bone. His once lively body, all pale and bloody on that table.


I start running toward them, screaming. I yell at them to put down Cameron. Because he can't really be dead, right? How funny is that? Cameron Li, the one who got me into acting and my husband, my friend for so many years. Him? Dead? No, that can't be. He is strong. He loves parties and he likes having a good time. Like me. He wouldn't leave the world so early like that. That's not right. He still has half of his life ahead of him! He's my fake lover that I've been with for years. People think we're soulmates! How can he be dead? I still haven't got to tell him I'm sorry...

I can see him almost. When we first met. He was tall, broad shouldered, handsome. He had the cheekiest smile I've ever seen, and when he looked at Mason, I felt almost in awe. I laugh a little, remembering how he had ignored me completely and paid his attention only to Mason. I remember rolling my eyes and grunting, which made him finally turn, giving me barely a second glance. He smiled foreignly and said the first thing to me: Right, you must be Maeve, let's talk inside.

Ah, and then so much more stuff between us after that. Was that how it all started?

That guy I met would not die so easily in a car crash. No, not Cameron Li. He's still alive. He has to be. But now they're taking his body. I can't let them do that. Cameron is just sleeping, and I can't let him wake up inside a casket, can I?

"Should we sedate her?"

"No, she isn't too out of hand."

What are these people saying? Why are they touching me? Hey! No, the others that aren't holding me away are taking Cameron away!

"Get off of me!" I yell.

"Ma'am, we need you to calm down. This is a hospital."

"Stop them! Why are you taking him away? Please, I beg you, don't do this. I'll give you each a million dollars if you just leave him here to me. Okay? Please. He needs to stay with me."

Their arms seem to slowly untangle off of me. Why?

Oh. Right. I think I've stopped moving. I...I sink to the floor.


"Is she a patient?"

"Don't know. I'll check with the recent records."

What are they saying? Are they talking about Cameron? Gosh, I feel so tired. When was the last time I slept?


She looked so tiny and childlike with those casts they have on her leg and arm. And that one on her neck that makes her look like a turtle. Haha. Why is that not funny? Ohhh.

Nothing is funny. She's dying. Just a lot slower than Cameron. A year left, huh?

"Nurse Anna from section seventeen just called and informed us of a description of a woman with dark brown hair and..."

I feel sleepy. I'm just going to sleep. On the floor? Yeah, on the floor. That's the least of my worries now anyways.

I'm just going to close my eyes for a little bit. Just a little.

The Truths Behind the Life of Maeve Sun LivelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora