Chapter Nineteen- Cabin Fever

Start from the beginning

Kakashi was afraid of the possible slander she would endure. What if it were worse than what he heard about her leaving a few years back? Despite it all being false. And while he had learned to ignore and brush aside the gossip about him, he was all too familiar with the cruelty of words. He can't imagine what they'd say about Mei if her name were attached to his, the 'Friend Killer.' Hell, gossip already emerged about them when she came back home.
He frowned, turning the page and turning the corner, away from everyone else.

Meanwhile, the two Kunoichi caught up with Anko and had lunch together at the barbeque restaurant. Adjusting the sleeves of her khaki trenchcoat, and rubbing her hands eagerly, Anko began to grill their food while listening to Meilani talk about the baker boy that she hid behind Anko to avoid.
"You know, I hadn't realized what a short stack you were. What are you, five-three?" Anko snickered. Kurenai glanced at Mei beside her, tilting her head.
"No!.... I'm five-one." She stuck her tongue out as Anko laughed at her. Kurenai nudged her arm with a teasing grin. "Your hair doesn't count as height, you know."
"Just tell us why you ducked down already!" Anko flipped the meat.

"He introduced himself at the beach a while back. We only went on one date and it was lame. I talked so much yet all he knows really are the basic training the Academy does and what years I ranked up." Meilani slurped up some of her miso soup. "The only things I really know about him are that he runs the bakery with his dad and he wanted to be a ninja, but his mom forbid it before she passed."
Anko and Kurenai gave a sympathetic expression as she continued.
"When my brother and his team arrived he just clammed up. Sasuke gave the poor man the stink eye and he looked like he was going to collapse." She shook her head, scooping up another bite. "You should've seen how fast he took off after seeing Kakashi's face."
Anko served the two their plates. "Tch. How pathetic, how are you gonna let a little brat punk you?"

Even from a distance, he heard Meilani's laughter resonating through the area. He sat up straighter upon the water resovuoir, embracing the flutters his stomach gave off. He ran his hand through his hair, giving it a slight tug as he pondered the conflict he felt. He wasn't going to deny his feelings, it was the first time in a long time he's felt anything other than loneliness or pain. And while he didn't want to let go, he was unsure of what exactly he was holding on to. Nor if the feelings were developing too fast.
I think we need to talk tonight.


After returning from a supply delivery with Sakura and Sasuke, he watched the sun set from the Hokage mountain, a kunai twirling between his fingers. His eyes followed a flock of birds making their way into the forest South of him. Tiny specks of black swirled and danced in front of a cotton-candy skyline. Kakashi looked in the direction towards Mei's apartment, and sighed deeply.
I probably shouldn't keep her waiting too long.
His palms grew more clammy the closer he got to her place. Should he knock, or use the balcony?
He thought of the smile she grew when she spotted him standing there last night, and chose the balcony. But first, he snatched up a pink tulip from a random flowerbed. Kakashi landed on the thick clay balcony ledge and peered around the curtain. With no sign of Naruto or any other guest, he tapped lightly.
Meilani peaked her head and a bare arm out of her room door and signaled 3 minutes. Kakashi sat on the balcony floor and opened up his book, hiding the tulip beside his thigh.
Carefully slipping up her haltered black dress, Meilani adjusted the slit on the left thigh and smoothed out the fabric. It hugged her thighs and sides admirably, earning a twirl of approval in the mirror. After flipping her blow-dried hair over and giving it one last shake, she flipped her hair back again and walked to the balcony doors.

"Hey, copy-cat." She teased playfully, sliding the door open.
"Hey, Hummingbird." The greeting rolled off his tongue smoothly as he looked up. His eye widened at the sight of her. How is it possible for her skin to glow in everything? The smooth velvet of her dress gave off a dark shimmer in the light, he was able to see some traces of where she dragged her fingers across the fabric. "You look... Radiant."
Her stomach fluttered at the compliment, taking the flower he pulled from seemingly thin air. His speed was impressive at times.
"Thank you. It's girls night tonight, I wasn't sure if you were coming over again. And it's Kurenai's night off so..."

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