New Start New Me

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It was a bit weird to know a new student coming into the class very late into the game. It's not like it was my fault though. It took me a long time to recover. My quirk is still being healed. It was not fully ready, but I still had to go to school. Mr Aizawa seemed to be understanding of my situation but also seemed like he didn't care too much. Due to my Father's work with them, I had met all the Pro Heroes before. Aizawa was not a stranger to me, but I didn't know everything about him. I have only met him through my Father. He led me to his classroom, where I would be joining them. It was just silent during the walk there which I enjoyed. Once we got there. There was a huge door with 1A. I closed my eyes as I could sense everyone in the room. I felt all their souls. Their soul of determination, happiness, excitement. I felt like I recognized two souls. But I shrugs it off.

"Come on in." Said Mr Aizawa gesturing for the new student to come in. I walked in having my backpack on one shoulder. I looked around everyone. I was honestly nervous, but I tried to keep my cool. I was here for one reason and one reason only.


Everything was like a blur, but the next thing I knew was Father was sitting in front of me. We were in his office. We sat across from each other. There was tea in front of the both of us. My Father find out about everything that happened with Kei. It's not like it was a big surprise to him. He was pretty relaxed about the whole situation. To be fair, Father doesn't give a shit about money. As long as he has his lab and experiments he's happy. The labs come from the Pro Heroes budget anyways now, so he doesn't give a shit. My hair was covering my face. I felt so ashamed. I felt so pathetic. There truly was no happiness left for me. There was nothing. My only purpose in life was to be Father's test subject for god who knows why at this point. Father is able to block me out from soul reading him. He was a very protective man of himself and his identity. Even from his own child. I think about back of my Mother. I wasn't able to fulfill her last dying words, but there must be something I can do to honor my dear loving Mother.

"I think by now you understand boy's true intentions." He said sipping his tea. I didn't answer and just looked away. "You are only in Junior High. Love doesn't matter right now. You can see how it can turn you into a complete monster. Which is why..."

"I want to be a hero. I'll do anything. I don't care anymore..." I said to my father. His eyes widen.

"Where is this coming from?" He asked putting his tea down.

"I want to protect people... father you know of how powerful my quirk is. Mother wasn't able to achieve her goal, so maybe... maybe I can fulfill her goal." I explained as I slam my hands on the table. If I can't fulfill Mother's last dying wish, then I can at least do this. This is where I truly wish to go. I want to be just like Mother. I want to be a Pro Hero to protect people just like Mother wanted to be. That's when her father put down his tea. He smiles softly.

"You know... You're just like your mother. You know she also wanted to be a hero, but... she was bullied for her quirk." He explained. "So she never pursue her dreams. Which is why I've always watched you to become a hero.


"Ummm... Hello I'm Mizuki Takao. You can call me Takao. I don't like talking to people so don't bother me. I just came here to be a pro hero." I flat out said. Which made everyone sweatdrop.

"Oh, by the way class, we must go easy on Takao since she did just get out of surgery." He said reminding the class. What I didn't realize was two boys were looking at me in complete shock. I felt lighting come as I knew exactly who they were. They were my childhood best friends. My cousin, Katsuki Bakugo and my best friend, Izuku Midoriya. We all looked at each other not sure on what to say. The whole class noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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