Ren imagine

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Firstly, i have to say about this book is that some of it might not make sense so stay warned if you haven't read this thingamajig - my made up word sort of.

Now let me shut up and start writing....

You are friends with a boy called Ren, he always had helped you since you've met him, Ren is your only friend. Let me explain...
You were talking to Ren about helping out each other in class since you don't understand the things the teacher says about maths. In class you and Ren were helping each other like you both promised. As soon as the bell rang everybody stood up and walked out, you stayed in thinking about your story for tomorrow's story telling competition, you were happy, happy until the next day.

The Next Day...
You were very curious why you were alone, you thought Ren was late until you heard his voice. You followed the voice then you hid behind the wall because Ren was with his friends Jr, Aron, Minhyun and Baekho. You waited until Ren was finished talking to his friends until, until you realised that Ren was talking about you. "(Your name) is so annoying i wish i could just tell her *groans*." Grumbled Ren. "So true but why won't you just tell her?" Asked Aron "shhhhh" whispers Ren. You froze for a second and ran away to the toilets and cried...

During geography....
Ren sat next to you but you didn't look at him, you didn't look at the wall, you didn't look at the geography teacher. You didn't look at anything. "Today we are learning about Rome and the Roman times" surprised the teacher, no one was actually surprised unless, your counting the nerds ashley and jenny. Then you asked the teacher "can i go to the toilets?" "Yes" replied the teacher. You walk out the classroom leaving Ren sitting next to nothing but the wind. You were actually lying to the teacher to just have peace and quiet, but then, Ren followed you. You tried And ignore him but he yelled your name, you slowly turn around.....

(Next part coming out soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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