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Friday, August 6, 2010.

Exactly fifteen years ago, Jenny entered the world.

Most people called it "birthday", but Jenny called it "a pointless anniversary in which nobody cares about you", which was most definitely true.

Each  "birthday", she didn't feel any positive emotions. The older she grew, the more worthless and unessential she became - or so she and everybody else in her life thought.

When Jenny awoke from her restless night, she found an unexpected gift from her long-distance Aunt Jamie, sitting on the top surface of her bedside table. A beautiful, leather, hardbound journal with hundreds of blank pages and an included pack of black ballpoint pens. She grinned at the very thoughtful gift.

If one person remotely loved and cared about her, Aunt Jamie would win first place for sure. She was very active and involved in the first seven years of Jenny's life, but shortly after her niece's seventh birthday, she left her to teach English to children overseas. They hadn't seen each other since.

Jenny whispered as if she was having a conversation with  her aunt face-to-face, "Thank you, Aunt Jamie. I'll most definitely use this journal."

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