Chapter 1

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~You shall forever be my angel~

April's p.o.v

I got to work early knowing I had three shifts today and I had to wake up earlier than usual because my bossy Manager, Mr. Gilbert entrusted me with the keys.


To make my life a living hell, if I don't show up with it. He always took me as an incompetent, clumsy person who doesn't know how life works.

But guess what?

"I'm about to prove him.WRONG"

I opened up my handbag fishing out the keys, I fidgeted with the lock and huffed when my handbag fell on the floor pouring out all its content.

So much for proving myself to that old man.

"You okay" I heard a voice behind me.

I turned around in shock, then held my beating chest seeing it was Kai, my colleague. Kai was 5'8, good-looking but he wasn't my type.

"Up early," I said masking my fear, bending down to pick mess.

"Knew you'd open up"Kai bent down helping me to pack up.

"Why? Because you think I'm afraid of that old hag" I said, then closed my mouth realizing I said something I shouldn't have said.

"If you aren't" Kai paused, his face coming closer to mine and I withdrew back.

"Why are your hands shaking," he said nodding to them, my eyes dropped to his lips and I sucked in a breath. I stood straight with my handbag and he stood up giving me my cellphone.

I knew Kai was not into girls but that card he pulled made my heartbeat accelerate.

He stretched his hand out to me and I looked at it, confused.

"The keys, you might end up dropping them again"

I gave him the keys and he opened up, giving me back the keys but he held my wrist a smile on his lips.

"Good luck" with that he entered the cafe, leaving me standing there wondering what he meant.

Mr. Gilbert!

With that thought, I quickly got to work.


The cafe was busy as usual, people taking their respective orders as they were seated in the dining area chattering away with their friends since most of our customers were high schoolers or undergraduates.

I went outside to empty the bin when I noticed a black Bentley near the sidewalk which was very weird since nobody that rich has ever been here.

Why would someone so rich be here?

I noticed that was a dumb question since a guy gave me a hundred-dollar tip yesterday.

But he didn't drive a Bentley!

It seemed like there were two Male figures in the front seat and one at the back.

I kept staring when I saw Mr. Gilbert coming out through the back, but he paid no attention to me as he also looked at the expensive car parked outside his cafe.

I'm sure he thinks he has hit a jackpot.

I snorted, when I saw his head turning towards my direction I quickly made my way into the cafe.

I started wiping the tables and sweeping the floors while Kai handled the counter. As soon as I finished wiping the tables, Lisa told me to cover for her while she freshen up her makeup.

Lisa was also my colleague, friendship with her was never on my mind. I always cover for her since all she wanted to do was impress Kai or flirt with him.

Too bad she doesn't know the truth.

Who's gonna tell her?

Certainly not me.

I looked at the paper-clipped board, scanning through its contents.

Table 18 hasn't placed their orders yet.

I walked to the table with the clipboard in hand.

"What would you like today, gentlemen," I said waiting for them to order.

"Ace" the short-haired guy whispered, getting his friend's attention.

"Chocolate latte or coffee?" he continued.

The so-called Ace dropped the newspaper he was reading, taking off his shades. He looked at me and I felt the world pause, for a second, just a second.

I saw his mouth moving but I was unable to process what he said, staring at him in awe.

He was so handsome no...he was hot. Tanned skin, piercing grey eyes, jet black hair, he was wearing a suit but anyone cou-

"Are you ready to take my order?" he asked disturbing me from my thoughts his voice powerful and dominant.

"Are you ready to take my order?" He repeated, unimpressed at my staring.

"Mmhm...Sorry. It's just been a long day" I lied "Welcome to Sidney's cafe, can I take your order"I repeated sounding stupid, all my confidence vanishing into thin air.

" latte, got it?" he broke the word down like I was a child still learning English.

"Make it three, then," his friend said.

"Where have your manners gone to Ace?" a brown-eyed guy who hasn't said a word since he arrived at the cafe said, smirking before looking at me and winking. I smiled softly at him in return.

The guy who I think is Ace just shot him a glare and rolled his eyes looking back at me.

"Got it?" He repeated but this time he gritted it out.

I nodded.

"Three chocolate latte coming up" I walked quickly to the kitchen, highly embarrassed.

As soon as I finished up I brought their orders to their table and told them their balance. They all looked at me but the one that caught my attention was the shiny brown-eyed man, he stared at me as if trying to figure me out.

I felt a force behind my back and I stumbled forward hitting their table, I looked at the mess I made and instantly regretted covering for Lisa.

Ace's shirt was soaked in chocolate latte and he moved further away but the damage has been done. I grabbed a napkin immediately.

"Shit, I'm so_" I dabbed on his shirt but he pushed my hands away.

"Clumsy" he interrupted. He took in a sharp intake of breath before getting up and walking out of the cafe, with his jacket slung over his shoulder leaving a trail of his amazing cologne.

"Bro, wait up," the short-haired guy said sauntering after him.

"Sorry" the brown-eyed guy murmured dropping two hundred dollars on the table, before following suit.

I mentally slapped myself seeing the black Bentley speed off, then I looked at the money.

Deciding to keep the tip I reached for the money when suddenly Mr. Gilbert snatched the money from the table throwing me a glare.

"Clean up!" he hollered before going back to his office.

Old hag.

Aces p.o.v

When we got back to the mansion I couldn't get her out of my mind, she was beautiful and interesting even though I knew I was being a dick to her.

I had plans with Leo and Andrew tonight since they've been convincing me for the past two weeks to go to one of my clubs and get loose.

I took a long shower still thinking of the clumsy girl at the cafe, how those small fingers burned through my shirt, and how those beautiful crystal clear eyes bored into mine. Fuck I was aroused, I switched off the shower and tied my robe heading out before I do something stupid.

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