I shrugged my shoulders. My memory didn't recall doctor's being this emotionly involved. My dad definitely wasn't.

"I may know you only for a short period but I can already tell that you are lying." He said cleary trying to hide a smirk.

The back of my head hit the wall as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I feel fucking suffocated in this place."

I turned my eyes from the ceiling to Luke. "I don't feel sick anymore so why the fuck do I need to be here. I just want leave. "

A small smile creeped on his face. "Then let's get out of here."

"What?" I said not expecting his reaction. This felt like more like a moment where he shouted at me for using foul language. Or mabye to say i was being disrespectful towards him.

"Let's take a walk. Get some fresh air. You're getting discharged today anyways." Luke said as he put the railings of my bed down.

He didn't need to say that twice to me. I quickly put my legs over the edge and stood up. Besides walking to the bathroom I've been staying in bed all the time.

Luke guided me trough the halls until we finally arrived outside. My lungs immediately felt a hunderd times better as they filled themselves with fresh air.

We walked a bit before we sat down on a wooden bench infront of the hospital.

"I've got something for you." Luke suddenly said with a big smile.

"Happy birthday." He said as he handed me a small box.

"It's a phone." I whispered baffled when I opend it.

"Since your own phone got destroyed I thought you could use a new one."

This was one of the newest models. Why the hell would he spent that much money on me?

"I..I can't accept this." I said as i closed the box again.

"Sure you can. I insist you keep it."

"Thank you Luke. I can't thank you enough for how much you've been helping us."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm more than happy to help the both of you when needed. That also counts for when you leave this place."

I looked up at him. A few days ago I wanted to keep him as far away from our lives as possible but right now that didn't seem reasonable anymore.

"The guys and I have been thinking."

He paused to make sure he had my full attention. Which he definitely had.

"You and Molly are more than welcome to stay with us. Whether that is for a short period of time or your entire life. You guys can have a home with us."

My eyes grew wide as he said that. I had not expected him to say that. How could he care more about us in a short week than my dad ever did in his entire life?

After an painful silence I decided to break it. "I really appreciate your help and the offer but I don't think that's necessary. I can take care of Molly. We'll stay at my boyfriend's apartment which has plenty of space for us."

He nodded but i could see he was hurt by my decision. I just wanted to stay true to my promise to always be there for Molly and protect her.

"If that's what you want. Just know we're here for you. We would love to look after Molly when your busy. And if you ever need some advice you can call me or any of the guys."

"I'm sure Molly would love to stay with you guys from time to time."

That comment made the both of us feel a little better about my decision.

Luke helped me set up my phone and immediately put the guys contact info in. He also added my number to his phone which i had no objection against.

After a while the conversation was halted by Luke's phone.

"That was Calum. He said everyone is in your room, ready for you to sign the papers." He said to me as he hang up.

"Whose everybody?" I asked nervous.

"The social worker, Molly, Marc and Calum."

"Well let's not keep them waiting any longer than."

Together we wlaked back to my room were I sat down in my bed. The social worker handed me the papers and a pen. I guess it was really was that easy.

"Are you absolutely sure?" Calum aksed as he sat next to my bed.

I really wasn't but I couldn't say no to Molly. She only had me left as her family and I can't just leave her behind.

My pen hoovered above the paper. This decision wasn't an easy one. The crowded room also wasn't really helping with my anxiety.

"Don't feel pressured into doing something you're not ready for." Luke spoke softly.

I looked up and met Mollys eyes. She looked at me with hopefull eyes. I could do this.

The paper was signed after one switch hand motion.

"Done." I said as I handed the paper back to my social worker.

"How does it feel to be a teen mom." Marc said sarcastic.

I playfully hit him as i rolled my eyes. "I'm her guardian not her mom, idiot."

"Have you already figured out where you're going to stay?" The social worker asked.

"Molly and I will be staying with Marc until I get my own apartment."

She wrote that down. Seeming satisfied with that answer.

"You both will have tomorrow off from school but after that you will have to attend again."

"Does the school know what happend?" I asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes I told them but left out some details. That way they can help you when necessary. The first few weeks will be hard for you."

I wasn't a big fan of the idea that the school knew what had happend. In Mollys I was helpfully but I with my school it really wasn't. They never cared about thus stuff and even they did it would just be a pain in the ass.

"Alright, you have my contact info so if you ever need some advice or help you can call me." The woman said as she put all her papers away.

She handed me some papers as well. There were a lot of different things that also needed to happen but I could take care of that myself.

"Thank you for everything." I said.

Molly gave the woman a hug which she thankfully accepted.

"Take good care of each other. Bye June and Molly." The social worker said to the both of us.

Just like that I was an official adult. We will have to look out for each other from now on. No more parents to tell us what to do. I've got this.

ResponsibilityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora