Chapter 1

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In a hospital RAJ MALHOTRA is roaming outside the OT in tension While his 6 year old daughter JEEVIKA is praying near the ganesh idol of hospital  .

"bappa ji please take care of my mumma and please i need a brother now , papa is continuously praying for a daughter again but i want a brother please do something , it's not that i don't want  a sister but i want to have a protective brother for whom even i can protect " prayed jeevika .

So yes NYONIKA MALHOTRA is OT busy delivering a baby and also maybe babies . Just after the prayer of jeevika we can hear the crying sounds of a baby , hearing this raj is soooo happy and jeevika jumping in joy waiting for his baby sister or brother . 

A nurse came handing the baby to raj " here's your son mr malhotra " 

Listening this jeevika is on cloud nine and is eagerly waiting to see her brother " papa ,show me my baby brother " said jeevika to her father . just when he is about show the baby to jeevika nurse again came with baby now wrapped in a pink cloth .

"mr malhotra congratulations ur wife has given birth twins , this is your daughter " said nurse handing him another cute baby . then the doctor comes " doctor how is my wife " asked Raj worried about his wife ." ur wife is absolutely fine mr malhotra she is just tired after delivering whole two babies other than that she is perfectly fine also the babies just handle the babies to nurse we'll shift ur wife to ur private room along with the babies " said doctor .

Raj is now completely relaxed and turned to jeevika " jeevu bacha whom do u want to hold first your baby brother or sister " asked Raj to jeevika . jeevika now was confused whom to hold first so she decided and gave the answer to her papa " I want to hold them together at a time papa but only after seeing mumma " jeevika now wanted to show her mother that she can protect her siblings .

Listening this Raj smiled and handed the babies to nurse carefully . After some time nyonika is now shifted to her personel room which raj booked and is now awake and feeding her babies and carressing their head lovingly . " mummmmaaaaaa" came jeevika's shout who is eagerly waiting for her mother . Listening jeevika's shout now Raj is afraid that maybe the babies will wake so he make jeevika silent and explained her not to talk loudly while babies are their .

Now Jeevika is holding her baby brother and sister in her lap and carressing their cheeks lovingly " mumma they are sooo cute , i promise mumma i'll protect them from everyone " said jeevika making her proud of her . They are smiling jeevika and are happy and proud to see their daughter responsiblilities of taking care of her siblings .

" Nyo what about their names" asked Raj eagerly waiting to call them with names "Manik and Navya , my mannu and navvu " pronounced Nyonika lovingly watching their children . " Manik Malhotra and Navya Malhotra " anounced Raj proudly .

After 6 years 

It's the 6th birthday of manik and navya . so the malhotra mansion is decorated grandly . Nyonika is running here and there to recheck the decorations of the evening party .

"mumma is the cake ready ? " asked jeevika exited to celebrate her siblings birthday . " yes everything is ready and as per your request there are seperate cakes for manik and navya " replied nyonika smilingly watching her daughter who is exited .

 "yeahhhhhh it's my birthdayyyyyyy " yells manik coming down from his room with Navya beside him same as jumping and yelling . "Shut up bhai its not your birthday its our birthday " yells navya running beside Manik . seeing them running Raj shouts " careful guys " .

Finally its time for the party . After enjoying the party and guests leaving , Malhotra family are just chit-chatting and playing with the kids . Suddenly Navya and Manik started fighting . " Arey Why are you both fighting suddenly " asked nyonika trying stop their fight . "mumma see na bhai is not playing with me " replied Navya . " maa boys will not play with girls toys like this " said Manik showing Navya's toys .

" but mumma di is busy in her studies and Bhai is not willing to play with me then who will play with me ?" cried Navya . " are bacha you should not cry for this small matter , if they are not willing to play with you then try to make friends who will always play with you " said Raj wipping Navya's tears .

"but papa there are no one who are about our age to play with me in this colony " said Navya listening to her Dad to which Raj replied " Navvu play to bappa ji beta he will be always there to grant your wishes "

" haa Navya pray to god , if he grants you a friend then i will make her my girlfriend then she will also support me and will be with me always " teased Manik . " shut up Mannu , don't talk to navvu like that , listen to me navvu you know if you sincierly pray to bappaji then he will grant your wish so now go and pray to him " said Jeevika who is till now silently listening to their silly fight .

Now Navya silently went to pooja room and prayed to Bappaji to bring her a new friend while Manik also silently came and prayed to Bappaji that he wants Navya's friend as his life partner and Girlfriend .

Listening to their prayers god silently granted their wishes 


Sooo guys howzz the first chapter 

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will update soon till  then stay tuned ..........    

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