What to Expect On Spring Break

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Music Bouncing off the walls. Mind so wasted. Nothing to think about at this moment. The only thing that I remember was trap in a closet looking through the opening of the door. It feels like someone hit me over the head with something hard. I can't explain what it was. I can hear people talking, but I can't make out they voices.

It's Spring Break for us College Kids. As we have fun on the beach or in a hotel room. We have to think about those people trying to mess up are fun on spring break.

Looking at you. Beautiful eyes of yours when I look into your eyes I can read them like a book. When you lie your eyes tells the truth. As you sleeping on my shoulder. I feel a heavy contact. Spring Break on the beach. It's a Experience. I don't drink Alcohol. That's not me. When I tell her he's not right for you. You don't believe me. He want you for one thing. That one is to sleep with you. You won't listening to me. You don't believe me we be friends since pre-K.

Flint. He's my friend too. He loves to have fun. He fall asleep when he look at the professor in the face. He's Cool. Making a sand castle.  When Someone leave a bunch of Roses on your doormatch. It's a Mystery. Valentine's day a person loves you. Who's that person. Making this sand castle something that I love to do when the people who I love so much.

It's night. Partying on the beach at a bar. Courtney. That's her name. She's so beautiful. That man I was telling you about  something about him I don't like.  Late into the night. Me, Flint, Summer and Roderick went looking for Courtney. Then, Summer remember that a man with a shady beard on his face. Rough Looking. She told me that he spiked her drink with a drug. We searched the whole beach for Courtney.

The next morning someone knocks at the door. Half sleep walking to the door. Hurt my toe on something. Open the door when I sees Courtney standing outside the door all wet dropping like she jumped in the pool. I wake up my other friends. Courtney can't remember what happened that night. The only thing that she remember was in water.

What to expect on Spring Break. It wasn't fun no more. All day we was trying to refresh her memory of that night. Until I remember something hit me over the head with something hard. Then, I was in a closet. I think I was here when something happened to Courtney. Everyone looks me with a crazy look. Flint looks at me "How you was here Brent?" I heard people talking I couldn't understand what they was talking about.

My other friend Roderick looks me in the face "Where's her Boyfriend at?" 

I ask Courtney where's her boyfriend. She said she don't know where he at.

Then, later that day at the pool. A man with gloves on his hands and shades on his face takes out a Gun points it at Courtney. Roderick tackles Courtney into the pool. The man ran away. We don't know who that man was. He was trying to shoot Courtney. For what I don't know. We want to the police explain what happened at the pool area. When he said that man was trying to killed Courtney. The police was looking for him. He's a wanted man. I just remember one of the boys who have a girlfriend. He think she cheating on. He puts a video camera in every room. It's hidden cameras to see if his girlfriend is cheating on him. We tell the Officer about the hidden cameras in the rooms.

Walks into the room. Looking for his hidden camera until Summer kick over a backpack full with drugs including date rape drugs. The Officer zips the backpack up with the drugs inside. Flint finds the video camera in a bunch of clothes on the chair. At the officer desk We look at the video camera to see what happened that night until the officer ask us about Courtney. She don't remember anything from that night and a man was trying to killed her. She don't know the man also she came back wet like she jumped in the pool?

That's it. Yes. The Officer looks at us. I think your friend Courtney has been Date Rape.  The man who shot at her. Someone don't want her to tell the police.

When we went back to are hotel room. Courtney wasn't there. Where's Roderick. I don't know. Someone destroy are hotel room. The Officer call to the station about this.

A man in his 20's looks at Courtney and Roderick tied to a pole on a boat. He's name is Mackenzie. I love you so much. You love me so much. Why you drugged me to sleep with you. Now that's crazy. She said No. No means. Mackenzie shoots Roderick in the arm. Courtney looks at Mackenzie with fear. Stop Mackenzie why are you doing this? I love you Courtney. You don't love me. You won't wait until the right moment to have sex. You only want me for that. That's not love.Not just that. You just using me. You don't love me. Mackenzie looks at Roderick with blood dropping from his arm wound. You love him. Not me. That's BS. Yes I'm in love with Roderick. He don't use me or spiked my drink. Mackenzie points the gun at Roderick left chest until A officer comes from behind boxes on the boat. Hey. Mackenzie why don't you say the whole word. Mackenzie looks at the officer. What's that? "Bullshit". Officers comes out and around the boat and arrest Mackenzie. Now this spring break was ruining, but we helped someone that we love. We have two more days of spring break let's just play it safe.

Date Rape isn't a game it's something serious. Be care who you Date.

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