Pacey jutted out his lips trying to make a pouty face, " Julie I was playing with that," the boy joked.

"Hey I'm just trying to get out the door for the lunch that you're forcing me to go to," Juliette exclaimed while grabbing the boys hands and pulling him up from the stool.

Pacey gave one last huff before walking out the door after Juliette and jumping into his brothers car.


The ice house was the home to the Dawson clan.

Joey worked there which meant that Dawson would be there which meant that Pacey would tag along. The three would always be seen chatting, eating, and laughing throughout the whole year and keeping to just themselves.

When Juliette used to be good friends with Pacey; he would always bring her along despite the comments from Joey and Dawson. Juliette never enjoyed her time there because it was spent being picked on by Joey and Pacey yelling at his friends. After a while Juliette understood her place and didn't visit as often

When Pacey pulled up; the girl couldn't help but get deja vu from all the other times spent there before.

Juliette stepped out of the car and quickly followed Pacey to the outside seating where Dawson and Jen were. Juliette ran over to her best friend, overjoyed at the fact that she was there, and gave her a suffocating hug.

"God I'm so glad you're here," the brunette girl exclaimed as she let go of her blonde best friend.

Jen shook her head and started laughing while Dawsons smile pulled into a frown.

"Now why aren't you happy to see me Mayberry?" the blonde boy questioned.

Juliette narrowed her eyes at the boy before taking a seat across from Jen, "Maybe because you and Joey are the reason why I hate going here."

Dawson waved his hand trying to dismiss the girls statement, "Oh please that was one year ago."

Juliette chose to just ignore him and instead looked at the menu in front of her.

Pacey tried to keep everything light because he noticed the discomfort from Juliette. The boy started talking about the film Dawson was helping out with.

"So ladies, are you guys going to be staring in Helmets of Glory," Pacey asked directing his question towards Jen and Juliette.

Jen and Juliette both nodded their heads while Dawson looked immensely frustrated.

"This totally ruins my plans for the weekend," an angry Dawson huffed out as Joey came up and slid in the seat next to Pacey.

Juliette could tell that all Jen and Dawson really needed was time alone to themselves without the Potter girl, but Joey followed Dawson around like a lost puppy.

"Forget your perfect weekend for a moment. Don't you have to work on your own movie? What's up with that?"

"Originally, I was going to do both. I was going to bridge fantasy with reality and prove that, yes, romance can be created." Dawson glanced at Joey. Obviously the two had discussed about this topic before.

"What are you talking about man?" Pacey asked.

Dawson leaned forward in his seat seeming as if he was conducting a secret meeting. "It's the last scene of the movie. The monster's dead and it's the beauty that killed the beast. Penelope, our heroine, says her final goodbyes to the beast. I was going to shoot it up at the ruins."

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