"It's all broken," Taehyun whispered. "And it's my fault." He sighed, covering his face with his hands as he whimpered softly.

"Hey, hush up. There's nothing wrong with being broken. Sometimes you have to fall apart in order to fall back together." Beomgyu whispered back. That was probably the wisest thing the sixteen year old boy had ever said in his life. And truth be told, he'd only remembered it from seeing it one of those tumblr blogs.

"You're so wise Hyung." Taehyun smiled. "You always fix everything."

Beomgyu convinced Taehyun to relax for awhile, reading him a few chapters of The fault in our stars before dinner arrived for them. For Beomgyu, he was having kimchi fried rice and a sparkling water and for Taehyun, He was having kimchi kimbap and water.

Beomgyu assisted Taehyun with setting up his dinner tray, laying out all the food beautifully. Beomgyu loved food art, he enjoyed making it for himself and for others. He'd done it since he was a child, always making art out of his fruit until he moved on to bigger foods.

"Hyung is there anything you're not good at?" Taehyun was amazed. How could Beomgyu do that so well? Decorate his plate with food so neat it looked like a real artist had created it.

"I suck at making friends."

Beomgyu thought to himself. Just as the elder sat down the boy's room door was slammed open. Beomgyu watched as a boy came in and folded his arms. He didn't like the vibe he gave off, He came off as rude and intolerable. Beomgyu hated rude and intolerable people.

"Who are you?" Beomgyu questioned. "Visiting hours ended."

"I'm Soobin, Taehyun's friend. I'm sure he doesn't mind if I'm here." The boy answered, folding his arms. "Right Taehyun?"

Taehyun didn't say a word, he simply ignored the boy and looked away from him. He was still mad at him for what he said about Beomgyu. Beomgyu was looking over Soobin. He looked about the same height as Beomgyu, his hair was dyed a dark blue color and he wore big round glasses.

"Come on Taehyun. Don't ignore me." Soobin said.

"I told you to go away and I meant it. I don't want to see you right now." Taehyun replied.

For the first time in the entirety of their friendship Taehyun didn't refer to Soobin as Hyung. And that infuriated the blue haired boy. He clenched his fists and inhaled sharply. "Address me properly." He spoke angrily.

"You don't deserve to be called Hyung right now. You're not being a very good friend. Beomgyu Hyung is harmless." Taehyun spat back. "He's a volunteer at this hospital. He helps people."

"He does it for pity. You just said he's a volunteer." Soobin retorted, moving closer to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu stood up, standing in between Soobin and Taehyun. He looked down at the male, his eyes dark with anger. "I suggest you watch yourself." Beomgyu spoke, his voice deep with frustration. "Around me, you treat him kindly." He added, folding his arms.

Soobin scoffed, he couldn't believe this.

"Let me through." Soobin snarled. "Or else."

"Or else what? You'll hit him like you hit Sunoo? Just go away Soobin." Taehyun shouted, pulling Beomgyu away from Soobin.

"Whatever. But when he gets tired of taking care of the cystic fibrosis patient don't come crying to me." Soobin replied, leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

"Are you okay Taehyun? I didn't mean to upset you." Beomgyu apologized, turning around to view Taehyun. He took his fragile, pale hands in his own, caressing them softly. "Hyung is sorry."

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