The play

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We get to the school. I go with Simon to get the lost and found shit or whatever then we go back
And Simon drops the clothes while we all dig in
"Alright, we have to decontaminate. You can't have any of Sams blood on you" Josh said as we dig through the clothes. To be honest I had packed my own clothes since I spent the night at Kates but didn't get to change so yeah-
"Well, not much I can do about that" Sam said walking away with Deena following her
"Deena, you have to get clean too! Not a single drop, ok?!" Josh yelled out and we all got up to go to the bathrooms to change. Josh and Simon going to the boys Kate and I going to the girls. But she sent my a look
"Ahhh. Ok" I said as she just smiles
"Hey, wait." She said as I left to go to Simon
"So do we just-" He stopped midway to look at the door and was surprised to see me instead of Josh
"Hey." I said
"Hey. Where's-"
"Josh? He went with Kate" I had cut him off
"Oh uhm cool"
"I'm gonna change" I said getting in a stall
"Ok. C-cool"
I get in the stall and take off my before clothes and the necklace then I remember I had blood on my arm and I didn't know if I had any on my back so I called out to Simon
"Hey Simon?"
"Can you help me?"
He came in only to see me in my bra and underwear. (Ok so this is similar to Kate and Josh-)
"Can you check my back for me?"
"Yeah sure" he was looking at the ground
"Simon, you have to look at me you know?"
"Ok. Uhm turn around"
I do as he says
"Uhh, your good on the back. Just the arm"
"Ok thanks" I say turning around
"Hey, uhh what if...what if tonight's it for us" Simone said as he was getting closer
"Don't wanna die a virgin"
"Are you talking about yourself Simon?"
I pull him in closer and kiss him that spins turns out into a make out
He picks me up and slams me into the stall walls
We get out a few minutes before Josh and Kate
"No!" Simon and I said teasing
"Oh calm down. It was barely first base. And don't act so innocent." She said looking at me and Simon put his arm around me.
Then we look over and see Deena and Sam holding hands
"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Did y'all all go to pound town?" He asked them and by their looks they made it pretty obvious.
Then then shows them a smile that makes me blush
"Me too" he says as my tilts his head and smiles and Deena comes over and smacks his head
"Ow!" He says
"Deena" I say sternly
We get started on the plan
Kate ties a rope around a cpr dummy
Deena gets a knife and cuts Sams hand making her put her blood in a bucket
We get gasoline lined up in the restroom to spread it out
"The trap is simple. We set the bait. The killers go to the blood."
"Smile you son of a bitch!" Yelled Simon as we poor the gasoline
Simon and I are putting blood trails then we hear Ruby singing
'You always hurt the one you love. The one you shouldn't hurt at all.' She sings. Simon grabs my hand and runs making me drop the mop
"God she's hot but fucking crazy!" I yell to him
"Yep! But your hotter!" He yells
*this dude*
"Guys! She's here! We saw her!" Simon yells
"She was- she was so fucking sexy! But fucking crazy!" I yell
"You both had sex and almost got killed by her and you both are calling her sexy and hot?!" Kate asked
"Fuck yeah! Have you seen her!" We yell
They all roll their eyes
"But she was doing it! Following the blood trails!"
"It's working. Skull Mask freak, three o'clock" Kate said looking at the hall
Then Ruby
'You always hurt the one you love. The one you shouldn't hurt at all' she's sings
"This is so dumb. Ifs this doesn't work I will murder you!" Kate yells
The we hear the door open
We look and see the Camp Nightwing killer
"How the fuck is he so goddamn fast?!" I ask
"Who cares?! They're all here!" Deena says
They all go into the restroom.
"Holy fuck.."
We slam the door shut as Kate ties the knot
And we get one more can of gasoline and poor it
And we get the stuff ready.
Deena gets the lighter
We hear screaming and Simon covers my ears and when it's done he uncovers them
We go in and see the bathroom and blow it out
"Come back from that mother fuckers!" Simon yells Josh and I see something while the other four laugh
"What the fuck."
"AHHH!" Simon grabs me as Kate grabs Josh
We run out of the bathroom and run until we find a class room
Sam and Deena go to get the desk to block the door
"Help me!" Deena yells
Simon locks the door
"Sorry baby like that is gonna help!" I yell to him
"Baby?" He askes me
"DONT JUST STAND THERE! Help!" Deena yells
"They're coming!"  I go to Sams side to help
"They're gonna keep coming!!" Kate yelled
"We're fucked!" I yell as I take a quick look at Simon only to see him looking at me and trying to keep the door close
"No, no! WE are not fucked! SHES fucked. They're coming for her" Kate said as she looked at Sam
"If we put Sam in the hall. We end this now" she said
"Your a monster" Deena said
"I'm being reasonable!"
"She's being reasonable!" Me and Kate yell at the same time
"We can't run anymore!" Kate yells
"She's right Dee, a bullet won't stop them. Fine. They're really strong. But we just tried to goddamn explore them, and that didn't work!" I yell
"So your both suggesting killing her?! Lizzie she's your bestfriend!" She yells to me
"I mean that's not exactly what they're saying" Josh spoked up
"Ohhh! So your on their side?!"
"You'd let us al die to protect her. Look at this" she takes Josh back and pulls out the flyers
"Ok? All of this"
"Dead! Dead! Dead!" She yells
"This is the way" she finishes
"It's the only way Dee..." I say
I see Josh go down on his knees.
"Sams gotta go" Kate says
"Are you kidding me?!"
"They're right. I don't want you guys to die for me. I'm going" Sam said crying.
"I'm ending this"
"No your not. Are your crazy?" Deena sis dogging towards her. Sam put her hands on her face and kissed her. She them came to me and hugged me.
"I'm sorry.." she said before she walked out
"SAM!" Deena and I yell and Simons holds us back
"NO!" I yell
"LET ME GO! LET ME-SAM!" Deena yells
I give up fighting Simon and go towards the wall while Deena keeps fighting my boyfrie-Simon
I hear Deena telling Simon to let her go but he dosent buge but once he does because of Deena bitiyh he comes towards me
"Hey it's ok...."
"No. No it's not. It's never ok." I get up and walks towards the door to keep Deena away
"Lizzie! Please! Wouldn't you do anything to save Simon?!" She yells at me
"Stop! Deena!"
"We're killing her!!" She yells as I hold her back and Simon gets to the door
Then I see Kate move Simon out of the way and " grabs Sam and pulls her in
"What-what's going on?!" Sam yelled
"Your not doing g this alone!" I say as I hug her
"There's another way" Josh said and there's pounding on the door
"C. Berman. She's the key"he says
"Camp Nightwing. Summer of  '78. Group of campers, brutal massacre" Sam reads
"There was only one Shadyside survivor, C. Berman"
"The still traumatized girl claims that amidst the carnage she saw the witch" Sams reads
"Yeah just like you. So if she survived. I'm pretty sure-"
"There may be a way for me to live too" Sam finishes
"I got it! C. Berman. 9006 Brennan Way-"
I stopped listening as I kept helping Simon
"We need some help here!" Simon and I yell
"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as I see the axe
The killer makes his hand through the hole and grabs me
"BABE!" I hear Simon yell
"Help!" Kate screams
He bangs my head against the door
Josh then comes and stabs him in the hand making him let me go
I didn't notice how much I have been crying
Then I realize I'm in Simons arms
"Hey. Hey. Your okay. I got you"
"You called me babe.."
"I love you Simon"
"I love you too Elizabeth. But we gotta get up and help keep Sam alive. Then after this we're gonna live. Ok?"
"Come on!"
"The rhyme! The fucking rhyme!"
"What are you saying?!" Kate yells to them
"Fuck it. I'm dying tonight one way or another" we hear Sam

This one is very long😀

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