The Captain I followed

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Daichi wakes up. He'sstill tired. Normally he's fit and blithely in the morning, but this time, he doesn't want to get up.

Maybe it's because of the last days. Rolled over events he's got a new team member now.

Sawamura scratches his head and yawn. Daichi remembers Suga running into the locker room, carrying the girl on his arms. Normally he's not muscular but this time, the setter gave everything to protect the strange women. At first Daichi was so furious about his best friend lying to him. But a look into his face made clear: Something really important happens right now.

As usal the Captains tried to take lead, feeling her heart beat and testing her breath. The girl seemed fine but wasn't awake. For the blink of an eye he was trapped, just looking at her.

She's got an athletic stature, tall for a girl with beautiful small waist. He could see it, because her wet shirt was slipped up. So the Tattoos felt into his eyes. It's a total opposite to her face. Full lips, even facial feature, soft skin framed by flaming red hair.

He swallowed, trying to concentrade on the real problem.

Suga what happend? You're the only one who know her", he pointed on his grey haired friend.

We've played a bit. I've met her yesterday at the super market. She just stood there in the rain spiking the ball. All other people avoided her because of her look..."

While Suga spoke, Daichi checked on her again. Yeah she's tanned, that's not common here. And for sure, her body art isn't a sign for reliability, trustworthiness or innocence.

But I've played with her the last 2 days and she's very polite and friendly. And the most important, she's a good Wing Spiker I guess. Her name is Rei Fox, because her real name is to hard to pronounce and... the female volleyball team rejected her, without seeing her on court.", Suga continued nervously. The whole team stood around the girl and switched the look from Fox to Suga.

Daichi decided to took tougher meassures, so he frowned and shook her. The other boys looked shocked but it worked. The girl opened her eyes.

Daichi could see her confusion. An expression of fear crossed her face and he loosened the grip.

Ähm sorry for that, but you collapsed and ... I just tried to wake you up...", he was looking around helpless. He normally never stutter.

Hmm... Idon't wanted to scare you Suga. You know I hasn't a single bite today. Seems like that was a mistake", the girl says.

Right in that moment something hit Daichi directly in the heart. He saw her the first time and he's sure she looked pale but her eyes smile and sparkle, as she grined at them.

So we better help you with your problem!", Noya interrupted his thoughts. He gave her is Bentho.

„Just try it! Maybe next time you'll make me a Bentho...", the Libero joked.

She reacted so surprised and touched that she started eating the food without interruption. Daichi wasn't sure if he's the only one reading her like an open book. But he checked her heartbeat again and she seemed to recover very quickly. So she sat up and started to intruduce herself:

„Hi I'm Rei Fox. Just call me that way. I'm in first class of Karasuno High School, although I'm nearly 18 years old. But I'm bad at reading japanise scripture, so I start from the beginning. Normally people avoid me, because I look that way. That's why I'm very grateful you helped me! But I better go now", she stood up, as the door opened.

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