You're Mine...but I was yours from the Beginning? - UrSk SmSn

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This was begged for by me and written with a special guest who I begged 'PLEASE WRITE YANDERE WITH ME I LOVE IT' and I somehow...came up with this plot??? Hey I liked it ww

Trigger warnings!!

For once...hey there's no rape! But there is, however...murder here and a wee bit...nope nothing wee about it. A nice chunk of gore

And of course, a warning for yandere's too....have I mentioned I like yandere's yet? 

littleprincess0310 A/n: I feed you, you feed me. And here we are with another shimasen and urasaka plot bc we both need it so much. (do request smsn lots-//no)

Word count: 16,459


Ever since college years together with his best friends, Sakata had gotten so used to running to them for complaints about everything that had happened during his dates with girls who thought he was cute and asked him out.

Especially Urata. Him and Sakata were the closest of friends! The brunet would happily listen to him every time and urge him to speak every detail of his dates and what they said.

Though....Sakata never fully understood why his dates went missing shortly after...every single one. Maybe it was just a coincidence?

So here he was now, complaining to the brunet while his purple haired friend did the exact same thing to their blond friend about his own dates...Shima's situation was very similar but surely it was just a coincidence?

"Nee, Nee! Ura-san! I thought this one would finally be nice...but she grabbed my butt and called me cute, asking if I wanted to go home with her after just one date...go home and do what?" Confused, the redhead tilts his head. "And why did she have to feel so insistent..." Frowning, the naive redhead sighs softly. "I told her I wasn't feeling alright and just went home after she made me feel uncomfortable...but do you think that was okay?" He was always afraid of being rude!

If only he knew just how upset everything he said to Urata would make the other...but the oldest had quite a way of hiding his frustration.

"That's not rude Sakata. She shouldn't do that." Patting the younger on the head, Urata offered the redhead a wide smile. He was used to this but that doesn't mean the bile in his throat disappeared. With a tight smile, Urata tried to hold himself back from kicking anything nearby just to let out his frustration. That girl will die. No one can touch Sakata. How dare she grab what is his!

Nuzzling Urata's hand, Sakata huffs softly. "Things like this happen every time...why can't I find someone nice and be happy with them?" Sakata whines softly, begging his best friend for ideas.

Purposely making his eyes bigger, Urata moved closer toward Sakata. "Eh~ But Saka-chan~! I'm here~?"

"Ura-san is my best friend though?" Confused, Sakata tilts his head to the side, giggling softly. "Ura-san is so funny~" It was hard to tell if he was serious since the brunet made lots of jokes like this.

Heart cracking at this, Urata's grip on his chair tighten. To say he is disappointed is too far-fetched. He is angry. So angry. This thing always happened. Urata confesses but the redhead in front of him just regards it as a joke.

The brunet smiles but his emerald eyes look a little bit dead. "Hahaha, that's true~"

"Does Ura-san have anyone to introduce me to? I'm sure all of your friends are nice!" The puppy begs with his pleading eyes he knew Urata was weak to. "Please?"

"Hmm~ None~" Cutting the conversation short, Urata looked away in displeasure.

Sighing softly, Sakata glances to the other duo, watching Senra immediately turn down Shima's similar whining.

"Absolutely not, Maashi." Senra sips some tea while turning down Shima's complaints. "I will not set you up with my friends."

"Eh~ But Senra-san!!" Moving his chair closer to Senra, Shima makes the puppy eyes that worked on everyone he ever met before.

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