Their names are dino weapons

Start from the beginning


Eris: it's some kind of giant seesaw trap, with two eagle eggs here, and the bear legend beast here

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Eris: it's some kind of giant seesaw trap, with two eagle eggs here, and the bear legend beast here

Razar: a clever Ghidorah trap indeed. Move eggs, seesaw tilts, bear goes smash!

Eris shivers

Razar: move bear, seesaw tilts, eggs go smash!

Eris: (quivers) there's no way of saving them both-

Razar: without the smash!

Eris groans at the thought alone

Razar: was it something I said? The smash is the problem yes?

Steven: zip it! Well find a way to save them all. Especially with blavick as our bear expert

But the bear in question was sleep standing

Worriz: is he napping again?! All I ever wanted was to find my wolf legend beast, but I did nothing! Blavick's legend beast is right there! Waiting for him! And all he does is sleep!

Worriz goes through the spirit zone door

Worriz: it's not fair! sorry team, but I need some time to find my beast

Worriz leaves with everyone worried

Laval: I know how he feels. We haven't found my lion beast yet either. But I'm sure we'll find them both. As well as any remaining Dino knights that are around

Steven goes over to blavick

Steven: (whispers) blavick! Wake up!

Blavick: huh?! Who's shouting?

Steven: this is a delicate situation

Tyranno: yes. Eris and razar will get the eagle eggs off the platform as Steven and you go over to keep it balanced

Ptera: once were in the center, I'll swoop in and get you three off before the platform falls

Blavick falls asleep again

Steven: (whispers) do you understand?

Blavick: huh? Right! Keep seesaw balanced. No need to shout Steven
Later the group mounds up as they all head for the pillar canyon with worriz and ranona staying behind. Later as they make it to the canyon, Steven takes notice of two fossilized dinosaurs reanimated and battling one another as if they were no more than wild primal animals

 Later as they make it to the canyon, Steven takes notice of two fossilized dinosaurs reanimated and battling one another as if they were no more than wild primal animals

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