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"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Screamed a female voice coming from a cave in the barren wasteland known as the Outlands. "Come on honey, you can do it just a little more." A smooth and gentle male voice rang through the air. "UUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!!" Came the voice again, but now a new voice entered, "Meow." Came a weak cry. "Ugh what is wrong with him." The male voice ran out again, "he's-he's a freak" The female looked at the cub, he had black fur, a black mane, and red eyes. "Oh my, your right." In response, the lion said, "just get rid of him he is useless to us, there is no way he will be as strong as we need him to be." "Your right" the lioness responded. So they just put him down in the boiling sun outside the cave and ran away, leaving him there, alone, to die. The baby cub cried and cried hoping that someone would come to help him but no one ever did so lying there in the scorching heat, he felt his eyes get heavy and he started to fall unconscious. Just as he was about to slip into that sleep-like state and never wake up, he heard a sound above him and felt something cold and wet hit his face. He opened his eyes to see something falling from the sky, it was rain, (of course he doesn't know what anything is sense he was just born). The rain cooled him and the sun fell behind the clouds, the cub slowly got up and tried his best to make it to the cave, so that when the sun came back out he did not get stuck there and die. Using all his strength he made it, after everything that had happened the little cub laid his head down and fell asleep. The next morning Kion woke up and, even as a newborn he learned quickly and was smart, he went out to find a better place to stay with the 4 things he needed, Water, Food, Shelter, and Clean Air.

Lion Guard: Venom BornWhere stories live. Discover now