Chapter 24

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Marriage, I guess I was impatient... Too impatient..


I waited for a response but soon gave up, "it's fine.. Just forget I said anything. Goodnight Kyojuro." "N-Night..."

I had waited for him to fall asleep, and he did. I slowly get up and get dressed, I quickly wrote a note and grabbed my sword. "I'm sorry but I want this war to stop..." I ran out of the house and into the woods, it was in the opposite direction from HQ. 'I'm glad that Kyojuro has adapted to the cold here.'
I keep running and saw a cliff, I almost slid off once I tried to stop. I looked down and see the ground wasn't very far away, "...looks can be deceiving but oh well." I jumped down and into the snow, it was pretty deep but it didn't bother me.
I continued my journey and finally got to the bottom of the mountain, finding a road to a village in the process. I shake all the snow off me and walked off, going to the village. "I... Figured... You left the house..." "Oh hey! Any luck so far?" He sighs, "it has... Only been.. A few... Hours..." "Right.. Sorry!" He walks over to me, "it's fine... I sense your.. Stress and... Uneasiness..."
I look down at the ground as we walk, "has Muzan said anything to you yet?" I see him grip his sword, "no... But he is onto me.. I am.. Afraid that he.. Will go after... The slayers.. Sooner.." I curse under my breath, "any ideas?" He shook his head, "not necessarily..." He thinks for a moment, "would you.. Like to come.. With me.. To convince Douma?" I smirk, "this should be interesting. You better hope I don't pummel that pervert into the ground."

"I hope.. You do.. Sometime.. In the future.." I laugh a little, seeing a smirk on Michikatsu's face. "He's.. Going to be.. Quite.. Far... Away from where.. We are now." "Should we hurry?" He hums, "it would... be best to get... it done soon." "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I smile as we both run to where Douma is.

"Here we... Are... Douma's cult..." I get a disgusted look on my face, "a cult? You've got to be shitting me..." We enter the building quickly, the servants and followers run away and hide. I could hear whispering from one of the female followers, "are those demons? Oh no I hope he doesn't kill our god." I roll my eyes and flick my tail, Michikatsu opens the door in front of us. I walk in and see Douma with a crap ton of girls, "damn you really are a pervert..." Douma looks over to me, clearly nervous and scared. "Ladies leave us! I have some business to attend to." They quickly leave and I stare at the perverted demon in front of me, "what brings you here, Kokushibo? I'm so happy you came to visit!"
He does his best to ignore me, "I.. Have something.. To discuss with you.." A can see the perverted demon shake, "would you.. Like to join... The demon slayer corps.. Side? Sora will.. Be able to free... You.. From Muzan's... Hold..." "Going against the demon king? Sounds interesting! What would I get out of it?" I decided to but in, "you no longer have to eat humans and you can walk into the sunlight. You'll still be immortal to."
He thinks for a second, "weeeelllll... Sure! It'd be fun to break the rules!" I walk over to him and shove my nail into his arm. "This is going to be painful." He already started to panic, his blood boils from underneath his skin. I pat his head a little, awkwardly. He passes out after he holds onto me, I lay him down on his pillows. "Now we wait."

"I'm alive!" Douma yells as he runs outside, the sun hitting his face. "Do you feel better now?" He nods his head quickly and hugs me, "don't touch me." I push him away, "boo hoo." I roll my eyes and sighed, "do you want to help us convince... Akaza... To go on our side?" "Yes!" I hum in response, trying to calm myself. "He better be lucky if I don't murder him before we even ask the question."

"Is it because he hurt your lover?" "No shit, Douma." Michikatsu walks over, "this is going to be... difficult as we no longer.. can hear Muzan in our heads." "Yes that is troubling, plus Nakime can see us." I grip my sword, "well that's a huge fuckin problem."

As the day passes on we continue to walk, Douma following us. "So how did you guys meet?" I look at the small rainbow eyed man, "I was sent on a mission to kill him. That's when you intervened... Remember?" He thinks for a moment, "oh yes now I remember!" "Dumbass..." He pouts, "why so mean to me? It's not nice." "Let's see: you don't respect women, you tried to take my sister, and you're perverted and annoying."

He crosses his arms and his cheeks puff out, knowing I'm right. "How... Is your sister... Doing?" "Okay I guess... I haven't seen her for a while now so I honestly don't know. I'm sure she's happy though." Michikatsu hums, silence creeps in and none of us speak a word. I feel a bird land on my shoulder, "Miki!" I rub her head gently, "Caw! I've missed you!" I laugh lightly, she looks over to Michikatsu and flies onto his shoulder. Flirting away as usual.

"Your bird flirts?!" Douma yelled out. "Yes, unfortunately. The most she's flirted with someone would probably be Michikatsu, or Kokushibo is what you call him." Michikatsu rubs Miki's head lightly, "other... Than that... She is.. A lovely crow..." 'Damn he's going to take my bird away if he keeps doing that.' "Aww man! I want Miki to flirt with me!" I irk, "she doesn't flirt with perverted bitches like you." "Ooo... Ouch. Such harsh words." "And they're all for you, pervert!~"

The walk was long, and boring. Douma had actually gotten tired and slowed down a bit, "hurry up. We don't have all night." He smacks his face trying to wake himself up, "sorry! I'm just tired." He tries to catch up but fails, I sigh and grab him with my tail. "Alright, problem solved." From the corner of my eye I see his face turn red. '....he's gay to?' A shiver goes down my spine, 'nope.'

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