Chapter 11: An Empty Bench

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I stared blankly at the clock as Izaya sat at his desk humming, as he flipped through documents.
My eyes were stinging. They were swollen and I had tried to cover it up with makeup but it was obvious I had been crying all night.
"Have you been crying?"
I jumped back. He was suddenly next to me.
"I-uh-what? No." I said looking away.
He continued observing my expression. I knew he knew. He grabbed my chin and turned my face to him.
"You have~" he leaned on his palm. "Don't tell me, marrying me has put you in despair?"
I shook my head. "It's nothing like that."
"Then what?"
"I had a weird dream, that's it."
He watched me some more and I cleared my throat.
"Namie hasn't been around," I said trying to divert the topic.
"Let's say I sent her on a long holiday~"
The way he said it made me think she was probably not on a holiday, but in fact working in the field.
"Let's go to the park," he suddenly said.
"Come~" he grabbed my arm and dragged me out. Leading me out the office, we made our way through the streets. The park was oddly nostalgic, yet I couldn't exactly remember. Had I been here before? The only time I remember visiting Ikebukuro were the fragmented memories of my single visit here with my parents.
"Sit down, I'll get you a drink," Izaya said, an odd gentleness in his voice I was having trouble getting used to.
I sat down, watching him as he skipped away humming.
A bench.
There was no meaning to it. It was just a bench. But I got this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, that there was something I was forgetting. I cupped my face in my hands, the feeling rising. It wasn't exactly suffocation, but I couldn't breathe. I was holding my breath as if that would help it come to me.
A soft thump as someone sat beside me.
Suddenly there was a surge of memories flooding back to me, but they disappeared as soon as they came. The only thing that stuck was a boy sitting next to me. I glanced at Izaya who held out a box of strawberry milk, watching me curiously.
"Something the matter?~"
I took it from his hand. "I was-"
"Oop-" Izaya held me in front of him like a meat shield as Shizuo ran up to us with a road sign.
"You flea! You think you can hide behind her forever?!" He was running at full speed and I began to fear for my life.
He leaned in placing a kiss on my cheek, to which Shizuo was caught off guard, and paused to which Izaya quickly leaned into my ear. "I'll see you at dinner~" he 'whispered' into my ear loud enough for Shizuo to hear which seemed to enrage him as the two set off on a violent chase destroying half the neighbourhood.
I always forgot how agile Izaya was, which led me to question why I was even hired to be a bodyguard. He seemed perfectly skilled enough to defend himself.
I was alone again. It would be better to just go home.

The cool of my bed was welcome as I felt a fever coming on. Not enough to make me seriously sick but my head was pounding. I doubted Izaya really meant it when he said we would have dinner together. He had bigger things going on, and I knew this, not because he told me, but because he was moving pieces on his chessboard a lot more often, and his laughing was so much louder and frequent.
I was crazy to have even liked someone like him, yet something drew me to him. Maybe I was attracted to his unpredictability? But the most unpredictable thing he has done is be nice to me. And gentle. And it made me feel weird. And happy, and frustrated. Not to mention, the frustration I felt from not remembering something. I never had this feeling before. I'm sure my parents never hid anything from me. Izaya was right. I knew everything about them. Of course I would, they didn't exactly hide it. Which is why I came here in the first place. Somehow I thought living here would bring me closer to them. This apartment was my father's best friend's. I had only been feigning ignorance for a normal life, for my siblings. My only family left, and they had faded into the background. I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn't told them about my parents past, because the rest of my family and I thought it would be safer for them and that they were better off not knowing. Besides, they barely knew my parents and they never really asked about them. I picked up my phone and searched my call history. My sisters and brothers numbers were nowhere near the top, building on my guilt. I clicked on her name and waited.
The phone rung a few times before a clicked as it was picked up.
"Sister! Where did you go? Why did you leave us all alone in the countryside?" There was a wailing cry on the other side I recognised as my sister's.
I sat up, concerned. Why the heck was she crying? "What happened? Are you guys okay?" I asked.
"No! How could you do this to us? And to top it off you don't even call us!" she continued crying.
"Are uncle and aunty not treating you well?" I asked. As far as I knew, my uncle and aunt were strict but they were nice people and they really cared for us. But caring for teenagers was a huge commitment and it wasn't like my siblings were the easiest to live with.
She paused, still sobbing. "No, I mean they're okay..."
There was a pause, "So what's the problem?"
She started crying louder and I had to pull my phone away from my ear. "How could you even say that?"
"Who is it?" I heard a male voice ask in the background.
"Big sister," she said in a surprisingly normal voice. After a moment there were two voices crying into the phone.
"It has been MONTHS! How could you forget about us? That's it, we're coming to the city to live with you!" my brother cried.
I sighed. "You guys know that's not possible. Focus on your studies, and maybe you can come live here when you go to University."
They both groaned.
"Maybe I don't want to go to study," my brother groaned.
"What was that?" I said sharply.
There was a rustle. "Nothing," my sister replied quickly.
"You guys are studying hard aren't you?" I asked sternly.
"Yes," they said in sync.
"And I hope you're not causing any trouble for your uncle and aunt."
"We aren't."
"Good. Now, I'm glad you're both here, there's something I need to tell you both," I said seriously. It was better I warned them about the possible wedding taking place.
"Don't tell me..." my brother started. "You finally killed someone. It was inevitable, you always let your rage get the best of you. Remember when we were five and you—"
"I'm about to kill you over the phone."
"I'm sorry."
"The thing is—"
"Don't tell me," it was my sister interrupting me this time. "You joined a gang and they forced you to beat someone up to prove your worth and you beat this person up so bad that you accidentally killed them."
"Will you both let me speak? Or I'm not visiting till you both graduate."
"Oops ok, sorry, sorry, sorry."
"Please continue."
I cleared my throat. "I'm getting married."
There was silence followed by laughter.
"Ok seriously," my brother said, "what is it actually?"
I paused. "I'm not kidding."

Yeah so um, as I've already established, I have not watched the anime or read the manga in YEARS. So like last night a compilation of Izaya videos came up in my recommended on YouTube, and I was like, "(◎ヮ◎) this is not the same man I've been writing about" yeah so I'm sorry. He's a little bit crazier than I remembered oops, but we're rolling with it. Also I forgot what I wrote earlier on in the story, because, again, I wrote this when I watched the there may be inconsistencies. Apologies... I will try my best to make a coherent and consistent ending.

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