Chapter 6

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Next day they wanted to go sightseeing,Steve has seen the sights while on a leave with the SEALs but Kono and Chid din't and Danny decided to show them.It was snowing heavy so they decided to stay inside and play some board games until it slowed down.Danny's parents went to the stores to buy some stuff and the team would be alone at home until afternoon.They got the coffee table in the side,they sat infront of the fireplace,set the board game on the floor and they started playing.It was none other than monopoly.They loved the game and they used to play it on the office too,when they didn't had any cases and they were bored to death.Usually Kono won,she was damn good at board games.They played for a couple of hours until they got bored because they had became so good at this game and noone would win on the rate they were going.They decided to pack away the game and head out to play with the snow.They got well dressed,boots and jackets,gloves and scarfs and headed to the car to go to a place Danny knew it would have enough space for them to enjoy the snow because the backyard was small and they wouldn't enjoy it much.When they arrivedThey divided in two teams,Steve with Danny and Chin with Kono,not something unexpected.

They started playing and running.Steve had built a wall so he and Danny would be ptotected while they were tossing snow balls while Chin and Kono prefered to use the trees as a cover.They played like this for a couple of hours until they started freezing.Danny and Chin had stopped playing because they had froze and they tried to convince Steve and Kono to stop to,so they could head back hom,change before they freeze to death.Steve and Kono had taken this very seriously and they wanted to win no matter what.At one point Danny had enough watching Steve running up and down,his arm still in a sling,a very wet sling at the moment and decided to go and grab him by the jacket and back to the car because he knew that there was no other way the game would finish.

Danny-Enough Steven,your sling is totally wet,like your clothes and you will catch a cold and then I will be the one that has to take care of you so I am finishing this game and we head back.I don't know why I agreed to that game in the beginning,you can barely move your arm

Steve-Come on Danno,we had fun,didn't we?

Danny let a smirk appear in his face

Danny-Yeah,we did,wait to see how much fun the fireplace and hot chocolate is now

Chin-I cannot wait for this one

Kono-Me too

They entered the car and left for the house.They arrived and headed immediately to change clothes and have a shower.After that they reheated some leftover from yeasterday,had a quick bite and then Danny made them hot chocolate,sat infront of the fireplace and watched a movie till the time pass and Danny's parents arrive home.Danny and Steve were spread out to the couch,Danny under Steve's shoulder,Chin had sat on the armchair right of the couch and Kono on the one left to it.They decided to watch ''Die Hard 2'' since they had agree to watch the first movie on Christmas Eve,on Steve's house.When Eddie and Clara arrived,all four of them had fallen asleep infront of the TV,exausted from the events before.Clara spreaded blankets over them and headed inside to start cooking dinner and Eddie to put the things they bought in place.Later tonight Chin and Kono decided to stay inside and Danny found time to get Steve to his favourite spot,three blocks from the house.They got dressed and left.They decided to walk there so they could stretch out,Steve to see the neighbourhood and enjoy the walk without having to worry about traffic.They arrived at a small park,one bench here and there,a lot of trees and a nice view of the city.Steve and Danny sat on one of the benches and enjoyed the view.

Steve-This is pretty beautiful Danno

Danny-Well this is where I used to come when I was living here,wanted to calm myself,sort out my thoughts

Steve-And for what reason did you brought me here Danno?

Danny-Because I wanted to tell you something but I'd rather not have the others around us

Steve-Okay,tell me

Danny-I am bored of this dance we do around our feelings the last 2 years

Steve-Me too Danno,me too

And Danny leans to kiss Steve,hoping they were both on the same page,and they were because Steve started kissing him back.They went like this for a couple of minutes until they parted,hugging there,no one around,they were enjoying the view.

Steve-I was so afraid to tell you Danno,didn't knew if we were on the same page,if you felt that way for me

Danny kisses him and then hugs him tighter

Danny-Me too babe,until a certain surfer with the help of my sisters decided to talk to me

Steve turns and looks at him,a bit amused

Steve-I guess that was fun

Danny-Yeah,you could say that


Yesterday after dinner

Stella-Hey Danny,follow me

Danny-Anything fine sis?

Stelle-Yes,everything fine,just want to tell you something

Danny-Okay,I'm coming later babe

Steve-Yeah,sure Danno

He gets up from the couch and goes with Stella to the room she was sharing with Bridget as kids and now Chin and Kono was using.They get inside and he saw Bridget and Kono sitting there looking at him.Stella closed the door and forced Danny to sit at the bed,all three of them standing infront of him.

Danny-What's happening here?

Kono-We wanted to talk to you Danny

Danny-And you couldn't do that in the living room?You had to bring me here?

Bridget-Yes Danny,we wanted to talk to you about something serious

Danny looked at them concerned

Danny-Tell me

Stella-We want you and Steve to get over with that dance between the two of you and get together


Bridget-We so the way the way you were acting about eachother and how you talked on the phone about Steve as much as you talked about Grace and we thought you were a couple and we weren't happy that you didn't told us.We talked with Kono and found out that you weren't a couple but you were both so stupid that you couldn't see this thing between the two of you

Kono-And they couldn't take it anymore,you were around them for two days and they were ready to scream to both of you ''just kiss and get over with it'' .Imagine how and Chin are feeling about this that we are almost the whole day around you for the last years.

Stella-Even Grace told me that

Danny couldn't believe what he was hearing


Kono-And before you tell me that Steve isn't feeling the same just think how you were sitting and talking just before Stella drag you here

Danny stays silent about one minute

Stella-Oh come on big bro,just get over with it and go talk with your boy

Danny-If I do this,will you let me go back?



He gets up,leaves the room and goes and sits next to Steve,were he was sitting before

Steve-Everything okay Danno?

Danny-Yeah babe,nothing serious


Steve wraps his arm around Danny and they continue watching TV like before


Steve-Well,they had a point

Danny-Yes,they did babe,they did,and I am glad about that

Steve-Me too babe,me too

They stay there for a bit more and then they decide to head back home.They weren't thinking on how they would tell the others,just that they were finally together.

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