2 | Kanghyun

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After 2 months, Yonghoon and Kanghyun are inseparable. Well, mostly because Yonghoon kept clinging onto him and drags him everywhere after school. 

It was lunch time and i have no classes until 2 pm so i went to my resting place, the big garden at the back of the university. I call it that because there's not much students coming here and it's peaceful and quiet (before yonghoon finds and joins me). I opened my book and read. This book is actually interesting. The title is cosmos. It piqued my interest because of the cover. (Don't ask me abt it, i haven't read that😭) I continued where i left it and failed to notice the same tall guy who won't stop bothering me every single day coming, more like skipping happily towards me.


"O...what?" I widened my eyes in surprise with what Yonghoon just called me. He was calling me that with a big smile on his face. Does he not know what it means?? I looked around and luckily, no one's here. I sighed in relief. It would be embarrassing if someone heard it. Yonghoon sat beside me and leaned against the big tree behind us.

"I was thinking of what i should call you. My first option was oppa but it's used too much so why not call you oppai?" He laughed and boy, he really is clueless.

"You shouldn't call me that..." 

"Huh? Why?" He tilted his head in confusion and leaned closer, waiting for my answer. 

"Oppai means breast in japanese..." I answered and brought my attention back to the book i was reading. I could see yonghoon with his mouth wide open, nodding and processing the new information through my peripheral vision. I looked at him and noticed that he was deep in thought. Being alone most of the time made me develop a habit of looking at everyone's expression. 'Maybe he's thinking about what to call me instead.'

"Just call me by my name." 

"Oh yeah. Your name is Kang Hyungu right? Your name is similar to this guy on twitter who plays the guitar. He never showed his face though. Ah! He recently posted a cover yesterday. His name is Kanghyun-"

I froze the second i heard the name of the guitarist yonghoon was talking about. Yonghoon noticed that i got surprised and asked me if i know the guy. I slowly nodded my head. Of course I know him. It's me. 

I am quite confident with my guitar skills. My dad was the guitarist of a band long ago and he taught me. I have never played in front of many people because of my stage fright which is why I just decided to post covers on twitter without showing my face. I also turn off my notifs as i am still scared of what they will say. I felt yonghoon tap my shoulder and asked if something was wrong. I just shook my head and smiled. He made me watch my cover and he was humming along. After watching, he was saying all kinds of things like 'kanghyun is so cool', 'i wish i could meet him', 'i wish i could sing while he's playing', 'maybe we could even start a band' and he started squealing. 

'Does this mean, he's actually my fan?' I got flustered at my own thought. 'Maybe, I could tell him some time in the future.'


I just typed everything that came to my mind. I hope you like it !! ^^

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