Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV (idk why I put this anymore :/ )

Schlatt pulled away, shaking. He had gotten flashbacks to the man. In that moment he didn't see Wilbur, he saw the man so he started running as fast as he could to get away. "SCHLATT!" Wilbur yelled as he chased him down. Schlatt turned down the nearest alleyway and actually hid behind a trash can this time. Wilbur followed him into the alley. "Im sorry but what did I do.?" Wilbur walked down until he got to Schlatt. "GET THR FUCK AWAY FROM ME." Schlatt put his fists up. His eyes where shut so he didn't have to see the man. "Woah- Schlatt it's me." Wilbur grabbed his fists and lowered them. He opened his eyes. Schlatt looked up at the taller boy, his face was stained with tear streaks. "Wilbur.." Schlatt looked away before running into a hug. Wilbur hugged back. "Hey what's wrong?" Wilbur asked. "Nothing much, loverboy" Schlatt's breathing calmed as he was resting in the hug. Wilbur knew things between them where gonna be fine, the nickname was back which was a good sign. "Wilbur.." Schlatt pulled away and looked back up at him. "Yeah?" He looked down, even though they were only a few inches apart in height.

Schlatt pulled Wilbur's head down. "What the fuck are you do-" Wilbur chuckle was cut off by Schlatt's rough lips being pressed to his. Schlatt pulled away. "Oh fuck- I didn't mean to- I was caught in the moment" schlatt laughed nervously. Wilbur was frozen in place. "Fuck, I'm sorry, I know you like Sally, I shouldn't have done that- I mean I'm straight.." he smirked nervously. "Schlatt, I'm sorry but I'm calling you out. You being straight is total bull shit." Wilbur looked at him. Schlatt started walking away. "Nobody will believe you, Loverboy" Schlatt laughed somewhat manically. Wilbur rand to catch up with him. "So, a little birdie told me you were in love with me" he said as walking next to the ram. Schlatt stopped in his tracks for a moment. "Fucking Philza." He mumbled before catching up. "I may be a little gay, so what? I'm still straight" Schlatt shrugged it off. "Dumbass that means the opposite." Wilbur laughed. "You have no proof that I'm not straight." Schlatt looked at the sidewalk and debating in his head on weather he should reach for Wilbur's hand or not. "That kiss said something." Wilbur looked at him. "No, I was saying thank you." Schlatt made eye contact while saying that. "Oh really?" Wilbur started laughing again. "YEA-" Schlatt looked angry but was cut off by Wilbur kissing him. Schlatt just happened to kiss back. "I told you." Wilbur pulled away immediately. "Fuck yo-" Schlatt was cut off by a women. "Jonathan Schlatt." Schlatt looked in front of him. It was his mom. "I will not have that shot in my house" she slowly raised her voice. "And now you pay attention to me after years of abuse. I could be doing drugs and you wouldn't care. If you really did then you would've noticed I started smoking, not just the fact I kissed a dude." Schlatt raised his voice in response. "We are going home right now and I'm signing you up for conversion therapy." She grabbed him by the wrist. "Fuck you." He pulled away. "What did you say?" She turned towards him. "You heard me." He looked at Wilbur. She smacked him. "I'm telling your father." She said as she stormed the other way. "I BET HE HAS ANOTHER WOMEN IN HIS BED RIGHT NOW. I BET YOU BOTH WOULD BE FINE IF I DIDNT EXIST. I HAVE TWO SIBLINGS TO FIT INTO YOUR IDEAL FAMILY STRUCTURE, SO FUCK YOU." Schlatt snapped. He was tried of the abuse, he was tired of getting yelled at. He tried going after her to beat the shit out of her, just to show her what it felt like. His mom stopped in her tracks. "I BET YOU DIDNT KNOW I WAS FUCKING RAPPED EARLIER." Tears started falling. Wilbur looked shocked and angered at the same time. "It's probably because you dress like whore, if you didn't wear that tight turtleneck all the time, maybe you wouldn't be asking for it."


Ah angst. I may or may not dump my trauma on Schlatt, you'll never know


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