"Can I.. help you?"

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Obviously Eloise would be the first character in here. She's my favourite and most comfortable character to use. She is set in a old fantasy world, so please be real with the times. No cell phones or computers. No cars, all that good stuff.

Eloise Barkley

Her general age varies to accommodate the roleplay she is being used in, however, as a default, she's twenty two, twenty three years old.


Pansexual :)

Eloise is a type of healer, in complete human form. She looks no different from any average human you'd see walking around.

-Powers (if applicable)-
Eloise, from her being a healer, has the power to heal any living being she touches. However, when healing someone, or something, she transfers the injury or illness to herself. For example, if you came to her with a gash on your stomach, she would be able to use her power to heal the wound, but would end up with the same gash on her stomach.

Eloise is a kind hearted soul, and usually would put anyone else before herself, no matter what you've tried to put her through. She believes in the entire forgive and forget thing, even if it may take her one or two days to get over a squabble, or an argument. Eloise has a lot of love in her heart to give, and boy, is she going to give as much as she can. Even if that consists of buying food for the homeless, or trying to turn a bullies life around. However, this big bag of kindness has a bit of a downfall on her side, resulting in her getting a couple of beatings, some yellings, and more, being told off by random people in the street. These.. fairly often encounters have caused her to become vaguely skittish of new people, but again, she is innocently quick to trust, and easy to manipulate to think anyone is a good person. For someone who has been on the run for a good majority of her life, you'd think she'd be a little bit less trusting, but, she's quite the opposite, for some.. odd reason.

Much like her personality, Eloise looks very innocent, much younger than she is. She is fair skinned, with wide blue-gray eyes. She has quite a round face, and a mess of orangey ginger curls, that when not looked after, usually end up looking like a bit of a nest. She is small, and petite. Lack of food causes her elbows to stick out a little more than usual, and if you look too long, you'll find her knees appear quite knobbly too. She has fairly rosy cheeks, and often will pinch the areas closer to her cheekbones to redden them up just a little more. She is often a smiley person, and has two little lines up above her mouth; creases in her skin from the smiles she throws around to everyone. She has little hands, and as a bonus, quite a fascination with comparing her hands with others, trying to see if she has bigger or smaller than theirs.
One thing that sets her aside from most others is a tattoo located on her left hip. Well, it looks like a tattoo, but for healers of her species, it is a birthmark, that grows and changes with her. A simple flower on a stem. As the healers get older, more stems are added, twisting and growing up their skin.

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