Author's Note

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Hello, friends! I was sort of debating whether or not I should approach this Author's Note from a normal or "professional" standpoint - and maybe that's coming from some egotistical side of me that wants to pretend I'm a professional now that I've finished a novel I can be proud of (I finished one other once... and we shan't speak of it). Anyway, I decided to do it like I normally do - because this novel (and yes, it IS a novel) is not going to be my peak, and I'm certainly not an expert on all things writing. Besides, I love reading author's notes so I can get a glimpse into people's personalities - it's one of the reasons I read acknowledgments in books :).

So, I have a few things to mention before the actual story starts. First of all, these characters, this world, and *part* of this plot belongs to Shannon Messenger. This is a fanfiction, so I shouldn't be credited for any of the preexisting characters and settings (however, there are some original places and people that don't apply). 

Secondly, I want to mention this, mainly since "Rebuild" is so long - please don't feel overwhelmed. This isn't going to be some confusing, complicated, thousand-page novel of a hundred POVs. It's... more complicated than my other fanfics, about 611 pages, and has 12 POVs - but that doesn't mean I want you to start sweating!

The purpose for this story - one of them - is for you guys to enjoy spending time with your favorite characters in a setting you love. This is just some extra content you can read for this series. It's meant to be read as a continuation of the series - imagine it like an epilogue. A really long epilogue. It also takes place after the last book in the series, which... hasn't ended yet. At the time I wrote this, Unlocked is the last KotLC book out. So there may be some theories I had to plant in this story that will eventually end up untrue.

Forewarning, because of this, Glimmer is absent from this story. I didn't want to deal with her identity or writing a POV from her when I would have to make up a lot of stuff that could potentially be confusing for future readers who see this story after the KotLC series has ended. (In case I theorized her identity wrong.)

Trigger Warnings - Okay, so I'm hesitant to even put this section here, since I have no idea what could potentially be "triggering" or not for anyone. Each person has their own individual experiences with traumatic or disturbing experiences and feelings, so I could easily miss something in a list of TWs that would, in fact, trigger you. 

Instead, I'm putting this message here: if you know of anything that would trigger you, PM me if it's in "Rebuild," and I will gladly let you know.

For the rest of you, or if you're unsure whether PMing me is necessary, I'll also say this: if you've read the KotLC series (which I assume you have) with no issue, you will be totally fine with "Rebuild." The characters are adults, but it's honestly a pretty innocent story.

Ships - The fact that this has to be its own section is so funny to me, but I know the KotLC fandom is obsessed with ships, so... haha, here it is. 

I'm not going to tell you what ships are actually in here, save for the two in the tags: Sokeefe and Dexiana. The reason why I'm fine with telling you about these is because these characters are already together before the story starts, so it's not like they fall in love or get together in the book, and knowing they're together won't spoil anything but the first, like, two pages.

I'll also say, since these are two highly contested ships, this MIGHT not have been he most brilliant of choices. BUT, since I was aware of this, I purposefully limited Sokeefe moments to a minimum. I didn't want to exclude any Sophitz shippers or anyone else who doesn't ship these ships. However, in any story where there are multiple ship options, someone will indefinitely be disappointed. I tried to avoid this as much as possible, though - so, spoiler-free, there are sPeCiAl CiRcUmStAnCeS that cause Sokeefe moments to be kept at a small number.

Dexiana, on the other hand, is a bit more prominent. "Rebuild" isn't a fanfic about ships, so it's not like every other chapter will include a make-out session, but there are a couple romantic moments between the two that, if you get physically ill at Dexiana, you can skip over easily.

As for the other two/three ships, I'll only say this: one of those ships sails (and I unashamedly love it), and one/two of those ships technically doesn't/don't happen - rather, they're/it's left open-ended, so you as the reader can imagine if those characters get together or not.

Announcement - I've been wondering if people are going to ask me about a sequel - and no, "Rebuild" doesn't end on a cliffhanger. But still, maybe people will. And, sadly, I'm here to say that I don't have any plans to write one. 


That's because I'm going to be focusing on other fanfictions and stories - which I hope you'll enjoy as much as "Rebuild" (if you do indeed enjoy "Rebuild"). 

However, I will be writing a "Rebuild w/ Commentary," which will essentially be me copy/pasting "Rebuild" onto another Wattpad story, but including behind-the-scenes details, tips, and stories. A ton of what I wrote in this story is intentional, and if you're interested in figuring out what that means, you can go ahead and look at that!

I will say that that will be 100% spoilery, so I'd recommend you read "Rebuild" before you hop over to that. Because of this, I'll be posting it (all at once) shortly after I post the last chapter of "Rebuild." If you're a future reader, it will probably already be up. As for everyone else, I apologize for the wait!

Schedule - I will be posting one chapter in the morning and one in the evening/night. It will all depend on my personal schedule. If I miss a day, I will post an extra chapter or chapters the next day. Posts will occur daily. You can expect the whole story to be completely posted on Sunday, August 29.

Page Count: 611                           

Word Count: 159,017

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