Chap 12 - coming out

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This chapter might be shorter because I focused it on one coming out to the family and I personally know it's hard to do and sometimes it doesn't really go like we hoped so I just wanted to make this one a little bit happier than some. :)

During the next weeks, Sasuke and Naruto had spend almost all their free times together. They would just talk, walk, play video games, hold hands when they were alone and sometimes they would go on dates. They always texted each other good morning and goodnight. It was as if they really were a couple.

The only thing keeping them from being one was the fact that both of them were still in the closet. Naruto wanted to tell his friends, he knew they would support him no matter what but there was still a voice in the corner of his head saying otherwise.

On his side Sasuke had woken up that Saturday morning with a feeling today was the day he would tell him mom and brother. He didn't know why that day. It was an ordinary day but he knew he couldn't wait any longer until they'd suspect something and he wanted to be the one telling them not for them to just find out. He walked down the stairs to eat breakfast and saw both of them sitting at the table. Mikoto reading a book and Itachi on his phone probably playing a game.

"Good morning! We were waiting for you before eating, come sit down I'll bring the pancakes." She said as she saw him. She was about to get up but he interrupted her before she did so.

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about something" he said.

"Am I included in that discussion?" Itachi asked looking up from his phone.

"Yeah" he sighed. His mother and Itachi looked worried. " Um..I don't really know where to start.."

"So um you must've noticed I was more on my phone on the last few months always texting right?" Sasuke started.

They both nodded.

"Oooooh do you have a girlfriend?!" Mikoto teased excitedly.

"No not yet..but I think I might ask this person to go out with me" he said " we've been doing on some dates and we always have fun together"

"I want to meet the lucky girl!!!" Mikoto almost yelled in her excitement.

"She's not a she right?" Itachi asked.

Sasuke knew his brother would have figured it out. When he was silent it meant he was always thinking. And with his smart ass brain no suprise he found out.

Mikoto went silent and looked at Sasuke for an answer and he just nodded agreeing with Itachi.
She stayed silent a bit before yelling.

"Oooooooooh I'm so happy for you!! Is he at your school? What is he like? Is he nice? Have I met him before? Please please tell me! I'm dying to know!!"

She said as she shook him waiting for answers.Sasuke blinked a couple of times.

"Aren't you a little bit disappointed?" He asked looking at Itachi and Mikoto.

"Why would I? It's not my life it's yours! You live it the fullest with who you want. If you like someone go for it!" She smiled and hugged him, Itachi joining the hug.

 If you like someone go for it!" She smiled and hugged him, Itachi joining the hug

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