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Andrea turned off her alarm clock before it could terrify the shit out of her.Usually she slept till 12 on Sundays but today was an exception.  It wasn’t just a holiday for Her. 

The living room was messy as always.  Books were scattered across her centre table and a few of her cardigans were lying on the sofa.  She remembered trying them out last night while her best friend Sierra was screaming at her for choosing a cardigan over a red dress.But that's how she was. Cardigans and jeans were her comfort zone. She couldn’t just wear a dress which reached a little  over her knees. Even thinking of wearing it made her uncomfortable. 

While thinking so she checked her messages.  Most of them were from Sierra. She released a small chuckle while reading those texts.  Her best friend was way more excited for today than her. Although it should actually be the other way around. After all it was Andrea who was going out on a date.

Thinking about the date word gave butteflies in her stomach.  She still couldn't believe that Dylan asked her out yesterday.  It happened so quickly. They were sitting together and talking about  random things while Rylie, Dylan's 2 year old daughter was drinking her milkshake.  Then all of a sudden he asked her out. She was shocked at first but when she looked into his blue eyes, a blush crept over face. 

She had known him for more than two months. She could still remember the day when they first spoke to each other. 

It was an afternoon of July when Riley started crying and Dylan couldn’t calm her down. Andrea was working on her assignments while sipping her favourite latte. She didn’t even pay any attention to her surroundings but Riley’s cry brought her back to reality.  At first she was annoyed by the sound but later she thought of helping the guy who was trying his best to stop the toddler. So she went up to their table and asked Dylan to give Riley to her.At first he was quite reticent about taking help from a complete stranger but after a few seconds he gave in. Andrea  sang different lullabies to Riley while soothing her. And a few minutes later she actually became quiet.Dylan was baffled at this and thanked Andrea. Since then they have been meeting up at the cafe during afternoons. 

At first they were just being polite with each other. But as days passed,  Andrea realised that she was falling for the sexy single dad.She really loved spending time with them.  Everyone in that cafe thought that they were a family. As days passed by Andrea was becoming more weak towards them but she didn’t want to lose the beautiful bond by confessing her feelings.

But maybe she was destined to be with them. That's why Dylan asked her out.They decided to meet up alone for the very first time. Usually It's always the three of them.  But today was special. Though she didn’t mind having Riley around. 

It was already 5 pm when she got dressed up.  She didn’t want to be late on her first date. She hurriedly locked her door and took a taxi.  They decided to meet up at the cafe first and later watching a film together. Though she went to the cafe countless times but today was not just another day. 

Dylan was already waiting for her when she went inside.  He was dressed in a grey sweater and black jeans.He had his signature smile playing  on his lips which melted Andreas' heart. She apologised for being late but Dylan didn’t say anything to her rather he took her hand and led her to their table. Her favourite latte was already there alongside a bouquet of roses. She never thought Dylan as a romantic guy but today she was getting so many surprises that she didn’t know what his next move would be. 

Dylan gestured her to drink her latte. She held the cup in her hand and took a sip. Dylan really knew her favourites.  Slowly her head started to feel dizzy abd she couldn’t keep her eyes open. The last thing she remembered before falling unconscious was dylan's chuckle. 

When she woke up it was dark everywhere.  She didn’t know where she was. Later she realised that she was chained.She couldn’t figure out what was happening with her. Suddenly she heard a sound.It was from the door behind her. She couldn’t see faces of the people coming inside but she realised two men were coming towards her.As they came closer she was shocked to see them. One of them was the manager of the cafe and the other guy was Dylan himself.  When she was about to scream Dylan shut her out. He didn’t have the playful look on his face rather it was some foreign expression. Andrea thought this as a prank of his. So she asked him to untie her. But Dylan didn’t pay any attention to what she said. He came forward and held her mouth. His hands were cold as ice. She could feel his breath on her lips. He asked the manager to go out for a while. Andrea was perplexed by his actions.  She didn’t know what he was doing. Maybe it was a prank of his. His face was inches away from hers. She didn’t what this guy was planning in his head. A few seconds later he kicked on her stomach. She started screaming while clutching her stomach. She didn’t know why he was being like this. She couldn’t recognise this Dylan. He was acting like a psycho. She begged to him for untying her but he didn’t listen to her pleas 

He told her his real identity.  They were a gang who sold heart,   kidneys and other body parts at a high price. Young females were their targets.  Sometimes they targeted males as well. So without any doubt Andrea was their target.  And soon they'd kill her and sell her body parts. She had no chance of escape. If only she knew the true intentions of Dylan before than she could save herself from this chaos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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