Chapter One, Our New Lives

Start from the beginning

~Kaoru's P.O.V~

"Ouch damn kaoru! You win! You win!", Ashley shouted. I had Ashley pinned down to the ground with her arm twisted behind her back. "Ha! Told you I would win", I said as I let her go and stood up. Ashley rolled over and looked up at me from the ground. Ashley had long layered bright unnatural red hair with blue eyes. She wore a black tank top and a pair of grey shorts and a pair of black converse. I had black messy/spiky hair with green eyes. i wore a light green tank top and a pair of black shorts with light green sneakers. I held my hand down to her and she grabbed my hand so I quickly helped her up. Right now we're both at the work out room that's in our apartment building. "I'll beat you next time!", Ashley said as she smiled. "Yeah right", I said as I smirked. "Hey I beat you last time!", Ashley said. Ashley is butch and I's roommate. Ashley's boyfriend alex, also lives with us. It was nice having roommates. Butch and I planned on having roommates until we saved up enough money to get our own place but it turns out living with roommates is fun! So we all decided we wanted to stay roommates instead of us all going our separate ways. Ashley had become my best friend. We practically do every thing together. We're pretty close. Having a friend like her around was nice. It made me not miss home that much. Every time I was sad and missing my home and friends Ashley was always there to cheer me up. We have been friends for almost four years now. This is my fourth year being in college so once this year is over I get to go home to new Townsville. "Hey you two ready to head home?", a males voice asked. I turned my head to see butch. Butch had longish black hair with a random strand of hair poking up. Butch had forest green eyes and wore a dark green tank top with a small white towel draped over his shoulder. He also wore dark green sweatpants and a pair a white sneakers. His skin glistened in the fluorescent light as he walked over to us. I know sweat is gross but butch always looked hot after he was finished working out even if he is all sweaty! "Yeah I'm starving", Ashley said. "I just wanna go take a shower", butch said. "Me to", I said. "You can always shower with me kaoru", butch said as he smirked. "ohh shush!", i said as i could feel my cheeks heat up and turn red from his words. Butch and I had an intimate relationship now.. We're actually engaged! I remember being so shocked when he had asked me to marry him that I thought I was going to faint! Luckily I didn't though. It would of been embarrassing if I did! "Alright! Alright!", butch said as he smirked. "Get your mind out of the gutter butch! You two need to stay focused", Ashley said as she smiled. "Focused on what?", butch asked. "Your joking right?", Ashley asked. "I'm confused to?", I said as I looking at Ashley in confusion. "Ohh you dummies! We have an exam tomorrow morning!", Ashley said. "Oh shit I forgot!", butch gasped. "I thought that was the day after tomorrow!", I said in shock. "No it's tomorrow morning", Ashley said. "I didn't study!", butch said. "I didn't either!... Damn it butch this is all your fault!", I said in an irritated voice. "My fault!? How?!", butch asked as he scowled at me. "I was trying to study last night and you distracted me!", I said. Butch's lips quickly curved up into a smile as he stared at me. "I didn't distract you! i was being seductive!", butch said. "And that distracted me!", I said. "Hey you could of said no and went back to your studying but you didn't so this is just as much your fault as it is mine", butch said as he smirked. "What ever.. Now we're going to have to stay up late studying!", I said. "Or we could just wing it", butch said. "We would fail!", I said. "So what? We will just make sure we study for the next test", butch said. "Butch if you fail any tests that means you have to sit on the bench during the games!", Ashley said. "Damn... I forgot about that", butch said as he frowned. "We can at least try to study as much as we can today", I said. "I'm soooooo tired of taking tests! This is worse than high school!", butch complained as he crossed his arms. "At least this is our last year", I said. "Then I'll never have to study or take another exam again!", butch said as he smiled. "Then we will get to go home", I said as I smiled. "Oh yeah that's right.. Your leaving this summer huh?", Ashley said. "Yeah. We promised every one back home that we would come back after we finished college", I said. "Are you going to miss it here?", Ashley asked. "Of course! This place is like my second home", I said. "We will definitely come back and visit.. But Japan is our home", butch said. "I'll have to visit you guys in Japan some time. Then you guys could show me around your home town", Ashley said as she smiled. "Have you ever left the US?", I asked. "Nope. I've never left this country", Ashley said. "Well then I guess you get to experience new things then huh?", butch said. "I've always wanted to travel. After I graduated high school I wanted to go back packing around Europe for a year but my dad was hell bent on me going to college right after high school.. He said he was disappointed in me that I'd even consider taking a year off from school.. So I gave up on Europe and started college when I was supposed to", Ashley said. "You could always go back packing around Europe after you finish college", I said. "It would be fun but I don't think Alex would want to go.. I couldn't go without him", Ashley said. "I know how you feel.. I don't think I could have came here to go to college with out butch", I said. "She hates to admit it but she needs me in her life.. Kaoru would be lost without me", butch said as he smirked. "Oh shush! I would have been fine all by my self!", I said. "So your saying you don't need me?", butch asked. "What?! No?! I mean.. Ugh.. If I hadn't gotten together with you im sure I would of been fine back in Japan but I'm glad we did get together.. Because then I have some one to share my life with and travel around", I said as I blushed slightly embarrassed. "See I knew you cared", butch said as he smiled and used his hand to ruffle my hair. "Stop that!! Of course I care! If I didn't care about you then why the hell would I of excepted the ring when you proposed?", I said as I pushed butch's hand away. "I don't know.. To pawn the ring for cash to buy new skateboards", butch said as he smirked. "Oh shut up! I would never do that!", I said as I crossed my arms. That actually pissed me off! How could he say that! I know he was joking but still! Why would he joke about our relationship not being serious?! "You two crack me up", Ashley said as she snickered at us. I was about to say some thing but I was cut off my Ashley's phone that had started ringing. Ashley quickly pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen. "It's Alex. Ill catch up with you guys later", Ashley said as she grabbed her gym bag off the floor. Ashley quickly answered her phone as she walked out of the room. "So you really think I'd pawn the ring for cash?", I asked. "I was just joking", butch said as he lightly pushed my shoulder. "Well don't joke about that!", I said. "Why? Does it make you mad?", butch asked. "Yes!", I said. "Why?", butch asked. "Because it makes me feel like you don't think I'm serious about this relationship!", I said I said as I scowled. "Oh shit.. Your serious", butch said. "Yes! I'm being serious right now", I said. "Well I'm sorry. I won't joke like that any more", butch said as he grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled me into a tight hug. My hands was pinned against his chest so I couldn't hug him back. "I know you like to joke around butch but please don't joke negatively about our engagement", I said. "I promise to never negatively joke about it ever again", butch said softly. "Good", I said. "You know I've never seen you get upset like this.. Usually you would retaliate with a joke but you was serious this time... Are you okay? Your not sick are you?", butch said softly. "I'm fine.. I'm not sick.. I just don't want other people to think our relationship is a joke.. You have to watch what you say in public", I said. "Yeah yeah I know. It's because we're famous sports players now and reporters like to write about us", butch said. "Oh come on we're not that famous.. We're more famous from being the power puff girls z and rowdy ruff boys z", I said. "Well we're famous enough to have gossip written about us in those stupid gossip magazines!", butch said. "Yes and you remember what happened that time you joked negatively about our relationship?", I asked. "Yes... They took it serious and there was some nasty rumors about us", butch said. "So you need to watch what you say!", I said. "It's okay.. It was just us and Ashley. No one else is here", butch said softly. "So... You never know who is around the corner", I said. "Well then ill be more carful", butch said as he smiled softly. Butch slowly leaned down and pressed his lips against mine kissing me softly. I kissed him back as he held me tighter to him. I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and hold him as we kissed but my arms are still pinned against his chest. I tried to move my arms but it was no use. Butch's hug was to strong so I couldn't get my arms free. Oh well I guess.. I like it when he holds me like this anyway. I'd love to hug him back but this is okay. I like being in his arms. I feel protected when he hugs me. I wonder if butch feels protected when I hug him? Ehh probably not since he is a guy and thinks he has to protect me all the time. I just hope he knows I'd do any thing I could to protect him to.

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