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We were just at Josh's and Deenas house because we had to research about this whole thing. See josh is a nerd. But this nerdy shit is helping us so. It's cool.
We finish and find out that Sam saw the witch. This dumb bi-

We are currently in the stolen ambulance
Talking about how we need to put the witch to rest or something?
But we were going to the place where sam and her ugly "boyfriend" got in a car crash in.
"So all we have to do it find where sam like fell? Then in disturb the witch?"
"Yes." Is all Deena said to me before looking at sam again.
I feel big hatred towards sam
I've loved Deena for so long
And she chose sam
Honestly feel she died...
I wouldn't care.
But sam would so I'm trying my best to not just let all of my anger out and punch sam or something.

We get to the place where the accident was and start going to where the car was left.
"So I was right here and..." as sam is doing this my nose starts to feel watery and I feel something go down to where my mouth is. I touch it with my fingers and it's blood.
"And... I feel something!" Sam says before pulling on a chain. And we see...
"Holy shit." Simon says while pulling out more bones
"It's her.."
"Guys let's just put Sarah's bones back and leave I feel sick I don't like this and and CAN WE JUST STOP PLEASE!" I say while freaking out
But no one listened to me.
How nice I'm not even here anymore.
They put her bones back into the ground.
"Sorry." Is all Simon says before standing up.
"Guys there is something in the woods!" I hear josh say I look over and see a guy with a axe come charging over to us.
"HOLY SHIT!" I say before running for my life.

We are all back into the ambulance car and talking.
"Shut up! It isn't after us. It's after sam. Because didn't sam say that she had a nose bleed then she touched her blood then touched where the bones are?" I say looking at everyone say all nod
"Ok so Sarah fier is after Sam's blood.
Her blood touched her bones. Which means that connected and you disturbed her grave thingy and now she's after your blood and how she is doing that is by having her minions that she collected over the years to go after you." I say before looking at everyone
"That makes sense!" Josh says before looking at me
"I know I'm smart." I say while smirking.
I look over at Deena and see her looking at me in awe.
Hehe suck on that Samantha.

We are currently at the school. Ugh I hate school. And this just makes it worse.
We get there and get to the lost and found a pile of clothes so we take it and start grabbing clothes.

We get there and get to the lost and found a pile of clothes so we take it and start grabbing clothes

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(Please don't judge. This is just what I found on my Pinterest)

I found this outfit.
Pretty cool ngl.
I found my own room and start changing.
I remember Deena and Sam going together which made me pretty sad. But it's fine as long as Deena is happy.

I have nothing on.
Only underwear and a bra.
I hear the door to the room I'm in open making a creaking noise. Which startled me.
I turn around and see Deena standing at the door way looking at me.
"Oh- umm hey?" I say looking at her.
"Hey... I got kinda uncomfortable with Sam."
"Oh- what happened?"
"She tried to kiss me..."
That's kinda sad but didn't she just have a boyfriend? Anyways.
"Wow-" I'm cut off by Deena kissing me. But this time on the lips.

She lets go and looks at me.
I smile and kiss her this time, and almost instantly she kisses back.
I think I'm dreaming
Nevermind this isn't a dream.
What kind of dream makes you actually get cut. Anyways.
"Woah..." I say letting go. But then I feel pain in my arm. Then I remember getting cut on my arm.
"Forgot about that." I say while looking down at my arm.
"I can patch you up?" Deena says in a questioning tone.
"That would be great." I say while smiling at her.
She grabs some stuff from the counters and patches my arm.
"Thanks Deena.." I say while looking at her
"Your welcome" she says and kisses my forehead.
I get changed and so does she and we go outside.

"Hold up did all of you go to pound town?" Simon says while looking at all of us.
I look at sam and so does Simon and he looks like he's about to laugh but coughs to hide it.
"Me too!" He says looking happy

Ok so the plan was to mop the floor in Sam's blood.
And then put like some stuff like fire fluid in the bathroom.
Then have fire extinguishers.
And blow up the demons.

Our plan was working.
I saw one of the killer running. It was the axe man.
Then this girl that Simon said was hot but creepy... and let me say. He wasn't lying.
And then the skull mask guy. I could feel my palms sweating. And my heart starting to race.
Deena sees me freaking out and grabs my hand and smiles at me. I could see in the corner of my eye sam looking at me in disgust.
Ha stole your girl bitch!

They light up the bathroom and it soon explodes the demons. We go in and see everything like blown up and stuff but then the monsters start to regenerate and try's to grab josh.
We all run to a room and lock the door and start blocking it with stuff
Blah blah blah
Next thing I know Sam's out in the hall willing to kill herself.
Ngl I felt kinda bad but not that much.

Then she's back in the room and we are out of the school.
We start running to simons work place.
Basically what happened is simons brother ODed on some drugs and that's what we are doing but after that we are bring her back with some EPIPENS.
Everyone gets a mark of Sam's blood on theyre outfits. And so do I.
(Ps none of them die in this because this needs to be happy vibes not sad!)
Kate kisses josh and walks away.
Ima proud bestfriend!

I start walking around looking for food because I'm hungry, and find some chips and candy. But that'll make noise. Hmmmmm. Let's just get something that's in a box. I then see the skull mask guy coming after me.
I run and run and run. Remembering what happened in the mall.
Now I feel sick in my stomach.
Then I remember I have my backpack.
(Dora who anyways)
I grab the taser and tase the guy 4 times then start running again.
I see Deena drowning sam and I go over to her and put my hands in the water to see if she has her mouth open. She doesn't. So I pry open her mouth and let the water fill her lungs.

Then she stops fighting back. Finally. It's all gone.
I bring her out and see Simon and Kate running over towards us.
Josh gets the epipens and Deena push's all of them into her chest.
"GIVE ME HER!" I say snatching sam away form her and starts doing CPR on her.
Foaming white stuff comes out of her mouth and she opens her eyes.

She sees me and smiles then hugs me. And I huh back of course. I wipe her mouth and get up and grabs some chips for us. Because we haven't stem in around 6 hours. Kinda sad.
We eat the chips then leave. But I grab some things of course. Then run out.we take the ambulance back to the hospital and get inside the car then go to josh and Deenas house.

Kate and Simon went back to theyre babysitting but only got paid half.
And when I heard that I laughed.
Me and Deena are official now.
Sam found someone her name was Karson.
And josh and Kate are together now as well.

1 year later.
We are all hanging out at school having lunch.
Yes Sam came back to shadyside.
And yes when we contacted c.berman she did contact back and we put the hand back to Sarah's body. So nothing has happened.
And we did also find out that c Bermans real name was Ziggy. Which is very nice.

But I had a feeling something was gonna go wrong.
Well something did...
Ziggy died. Well passed away. From a heart attack. She was really stressed a lot of the time so that was part of the reason why she passed.
But she's now with her sister Cindy.

The End...

I hope you guys enjoyed this! I know this only had like 4 chapters but I wrote a lot in just one so yea! But hope you guys enjoyed! And I might do a Simon x reader or Ziggy or anything you guys want just let me know!
Welp gotta go!
Love, Shiori<3

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