Chapter 35: A Sacrifice made with Love

Start from the beginning

My eyes scanned the area but to my relief, Karl wasn't in sight. "Damn it...", growled Tubbo. I looked in the direction he was looking at and my blood froze. Bad and Skeppy were there, this would be bad since Bad was good at healing while Skeppy was amazing at illusion magic. My gaze looked towards my husband. "Techno...", I whispered. We were cut short as a rumble began to shake the area we were in. Quackity pointed towards the sky and the winds brought black clouds over us. Rain began to pour over us and we all looked equally as troubled. "5 Gods against 3... This will be fun.", sighed Techno, a smirk began to form on his lips. Tubbo chuckled before agreeing and cracking his knuckles. They looked at me and I couldn't help but smile at their newfound confidence. "Well, let's get this over with, boys...", I sighed. Tubbo levitated into the air after releasing a pack of wolves that had recently joined him as familiars. I joined him by releasing my murder of crows and my ravens, Techno smiled before he released his familiars, pair of polar bears. They wore black armor and waited for their master's orders.

The ground shook as the entity that possessed Dream's body went on one knee and slammed his hand against the ground. Hundreds of creatures began to sprout from the dirt and all of us prepared. Tubbo sped up and began to shoot arrows and cut down the closest creatures, while I looked at my husband. "Don't die..", I whispered. He chuckled before he took my hand and kissed it. "Don't you know already? Technoblade never dies.", he smirked and let go. I nodded and watched him race towards the creatures with his horse. A sigh escaped me before I also took flight. My arrows took down many creatures before I pulled out my sword and dove down to attack. To our relief, our familiars were doing much damage to the creatures summoned. I heard a trumpet and to my dismay, it was the army of Valtameri. "No...", I whispered. The person leading was none other than Ponk. He noticed me and his face expressed pain, he lifted his sword and commanded the army to eliminate us.

I looked for Sam but he was nowhere to be seen, I began to make my way to Ponk but was attacked by Quackity. "I can't let you pass, (Y/n)...", he frowned. He began to fight with me and I growled as our swords clashed. "WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT, QUACKITY!", I shouted and pushed him away. The God rushed at me and I could hear Techno shouting at him. He tried to make his way to me but was intercepted by Bad. Tubbo was fighting both Sapnap and Skeppy, I concentrated on blocking the attacks from Quackity. "I don't want to fight but if we don't then Sapnap will be lost forever!", shouted Quackity. He looked heartbroken, I couldn't understand what he meant by that, he didn't allow me to ask before he managed to cut my cheek. The clouds kept thundering while I fought the God off. My sword finally made contact with his arm and he hissed in pain. "Wither Skeleton sword... A gift from my friends down in the Nether...", I frowned. Quackity looked uneasy but soon began his attacks on me once again, with each strike the gold in his eyes became less. We stood a good distance from each other while the rain poured down on us. "(Y/n)... Amon can control Gods but not all of them, that includes me... I can't join you because he will crush Sapnap's soul... I have three requests, I hope you can at least listen to them.", he smiled as he held his wounds. I nodded before my hold tightened on my sword, Quackity sighed before he opened his golden-colored wings. "Kill that Amon bastard that caused all this... You brought our gift with you and I'm grateful, we never explained what those purple arrows do... I want you to kill Sapnap and me with those... and my final request, well... that's waiting for you back in Veri.", smiled the God. He flew up and I followed, my hand found the beautiful purple arrow and I aimed it at my friend. "Thank you.", grinned Quackity as he began to fall back down towards the ground.

My mouth went sour as I let go of the string, the arrow pierced Quackity in the heart and he began to disintegrate into millions of blue forget-me-nots. A heartwrenching scream shook me to the bone as my eyes looked down to see Sapnap. His eyes were full of hate and anger, I readied another purple arrow but a storm of arrows began to shower over me. I raised my hand up and destroyed them with fire magic. "I'm going to turn you to ashes, (Y/n).", growled a menacing voice. Red flashed next to me as I locked eyes with Sapnap. He didn't possess wings yet he had launched himself up using his own fire magic to reach me. My sword barely made it to block off his attack, I was shot down with his mere strength. My vision was blurry as I was heading straight towards the ground, my wings opened as I tried to cover myself for impact, my arms covering me the best they could. I fell from a good distance and rolled out of Sapnap way as he came down with his sword. My wings felt burnt but to my relief, only the bottom half was damaged heavily damaged.

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