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Walking back from hugging Simon felt odd yet amazing. I missed his warm embrace and feeling his head on my shoulder. How his hands felt on my back.

When i walked into the car i looked back one last time and saw Simone eyes staring into mine for a second. I started to ball my eyes. I laid my head on the other seats laying down sobbing to myself. When looking back at Simon i can see him walking off with Sarah. Him looking all flustered. The gazed eyes from my piers slowly retreating back to whatever they were doing prior. Seeing him walk away and get smaller the farther we got...hurt. Wishing now when i walked off i had ran back to him and kissed him right there. Imagining us there feeling like their are no eyes on us. That is was just me and him and nothing to hide.

I felt empty. My head had one idea. That's was to text Simon.

I wanted to text Simon. But what would i say though... There was nothing more i could say to make it better. Texting him would do much worse than doing better.

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